Thursday, November 22, 2007

Missing You

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.   
  I must apologize for not visiting  all of your journals as often as I would like,  but I think I have a good reason. 
 Bob and I have purchased a park model here in Florida for a winter home.  We are planning to continue traveling during the summer months.   But, in the mean time, I have become a shopaholic and am enjoying every minute of it.
  I miss you all and will be back soon.
Hugs,  Dawn

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I Have The Fever

Sox fever that is!!!   Boy, would I love to be in Boston this week.  This week couldn't be any better.    Last night was the first game of the World Series, which the Sox won 13-1.   Just because I'm a  New England babe, don't think I' a braggart, it just sounds this way.    LOL     This is the second time in three years that the Red Sox played in the World Series.  
"Heaven in New England",  that's what the New York Times declared, in a column in which the Boston mayor bragged about living in a "city of champions", this because  the
Patriots are undefeated  and Boston College is ranked number two in the country.                           
 Right now, as I type this, tonight game is 2-1 in the 5th inning, Boston leading this very small margin.
 Waiting for tickets to go on sale.
Carol Merletti (right) of Malden officiated the marriage of Annette and Larry Rine of New York at Fenway Park.
Four Boston Red Sox fans show their support for David Ortiz, known as "Big Papi," before Game 5 of the American League Championship series against the Cleveland Indians on Thursday, Oct. 18, in Cleveland. Associated Press
Lights supporting the Red Sox have been displayed on the National Grid gas tank along the Southeast Expressway, including such slogans as, "No Rockies High Here. Go Red Sox."

Saturday, October 6, 2007

This and That

The love bug is also known as a march fly, telephone bug, honeymoon bug, kiss and the double-headed bug, and I have a name for them but I am to much of a lady to spell it out here.
Love Bugs
   Before we had started on the Nomad lifestyle, I had never heard of a love bug and never missed them either.
   We were recently reminded of their existence in Alabama.  These little buggers were probably the first members of the mile high club.  Although their behavior and their name may be amusing they are not, they are a nuisance to all who drive.    We have a very big window on our motor home and when they hit, it is spattered with bugs and heavens knows what that yellow spatter is.  They need to be washed off as soon as we stop or they might not be able to be removed.  They also can ruin the paint finish.
Love bugs do not fly at night, but that doesn't help us, we don't drive the motor home at night either.  So I guess that's all for now, have a good weekend.
This and That
We met up with friends of ours in Nashville last week and found a very nice restaurant, The Aquarium.  Come to find out it is a chain of four.  Two in Texas, and one in Denver and here in Nashville.  Anyway as you already suspect it has an aquarium theme. 
We had called for reservations and were promptly seated beside a giant 200,000 gallon centerpiece aquarium.  This allows exceptional floor to ceiling viewing from all tables.  There were over 100 different and colorful tropical fish of all  sizes.   These fish came from the Caribbean Sea, Hawaii, South Pacific and the Indian Ocean.    I don't know a lot about fish other than haddock, but I did recognize sharks, and a 6 foot Maura ell, which is not a pretty sight.
Our waiter told us that the aquarium walls were 7 inches thick.   I thought that was a good thing!!
Not long after we were seated a diver made his appearance feeding the fish.   The fish are kept well fed so they don't lunch on each other. The diver came right down to the bottom  of the tank and had a large following.  We were told they feed them twice a day.  It was fun to watch while enjoying our fish and chips.


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Nothing Much

Hi Everyone.   So sorry that I have not visited journals.  Please forgive me, as we have not had Wi-Fi at every stop..  I am writing this as we cruise down I-65 in Tenn.  and will post it with my next connection.
While still in Indy visiting our son, I got an ear acre.  After sitting up all night I went to the local hospital for advice.   The problem was that many years ago I had a ear acre like this and it ended being shingles and went into my left eye.   Although it has been about 15 years I was left with a massive left eye problem.  I need to use 3 different eye drops daily three times a day.   It is one pain in the butt and to say nothing about the pain in the eye.  LOL  Anyway the doctor gave me ear drops to use four times a day and shingle meds to take three times a day and a pain pill if needed.  Now   we have eye drops and ear drops.  Can you guess what happened next?  Yep, the eye drop was put in my ear.   Bob says he's glad I was not taking a  suppository!!!  Anyway, I'm still around to tell the story.
We had a great visit with our son, but was disappointed we were not able to visit some good friends from Fort Wayne while in Indiana.  Next time guys.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

You Asked For It!!!

 Maggie reading my journal

Good morning.  I received a few emails asking if I had a picture of me floating on my friends giant chair.  Well I don't know if you are all ready for this, but here it is.
Today we are on the road.  We will be spending the night in Kentucky and Monday on to Indiana to see our son for a few days.   From there we will back track a bit heading to Georgia for a spell and then into Florida for the winter. We will miss not going to Arizona this winter but with diesel prices it's a long trip. 
Talk with you all when I find the next Wi-Fi connection!!  LOL

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Beautiful Tennessee

Hi everyone.  I just can't believe how fast the summer has gone and how long it's been since I have added an entry.  I hope you all are well and promise to do better.
We had a wonderful summer in MA. with friends and family and it was time to get back to reality.  No more steamers, haddock, popcorn from Hobb's, visits to Lynch Park and floating around in my friend's giant pool chair, morning and evening visits from the kids and sharing meals with my friend Carol and her great family.  It's hard to drive away from. Bob did a lot of golfing with a bunch of other retired friends.  Just a nice summer.
We are currently in Tennessee and doing some sight seeing.  Tennessee is known as the Volunteer State, and it is colored green and orange.  Green as in the mountains and many trees and orange as most Tennesseans ( if that is a word) are wearing something orange with a big T on it.  The folks here are very dedicated fans of football.  I am telling you, almost every store you go into is selling orange shirts, shorts,
Crox type shoes, hats, flags candy and anything else including slippers that you can think off.  I don't know what I would do if I lived here, I just don't look good in orange and neither do some of them that are wearing it.  Oh well.
While here we visited the Sunsphere,  This was built forthe 1982 World's Fair.  It is a 266 foot tall steel tower topped with a 74 foot bronze glass plated sphere.  It's a sight  that can be see as you enter the city of Knoxville.   The tower's window glass panels are layered in 24-karat gold dust and cut to seven different shapes. It weighs 600 tons and features six double steel truss columns in supporting the seven story sphere. The tower has a volume of 203,689 cubic feet and a surface of 16,742 square feet.  Migrating starlings enjoyed the beauty of the glass sphere so much that the city had to purchase a device that emits varies noises to scare the birds from the tower.  I suppose window washers were had to find!  LOL
Almost forgot, we also went to the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame. 

The mission of the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame is to “honor the past, celebrate the present, and
promote the future” of women’s basketball.

The Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame opened in June 1999 in Knoxville, Tennessee. It is the only facility of its kind dedicated to all levels of women’s basketball. So whether you are looking for inspiration, education or just plain fun, the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame is the place to find it.

The outside of the building, is encompassed by two amazing basketballs. In fact, the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame is home to the world’s largest basketball. It’s 30-feet tall, weighs 10 tons and sits on top of a glass staircase that resembles a basketball net. At the other end of the facility is a brick courtyard, shaped like a basketball. Many of the bricks are engraved to honor guests, inductees, and a host of others who have chosen to leave their legacy at the Hall of Fame.

Catch you all later.  Enjoy the weekend whereever you may be.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Formula For Fun

  What a fun day we had today!!!   Double Geronimo, Racing Rapids. Adventure River and an awesome Wave Pool.   We were at Water Country in Portsmouth, NH.
I went with the sisterhood, old friends.  We were no competition to the young women there in their cute bikinis, but we had a  great time riding the waves and bobbling around in tubes.  Today we were kids again and we had a blast.
 We rented a cabana for the day, next to the wave pool.  Great time.  When they were ready to start up the waves, a horn blew, the young kids headed for the front to catch the first wave, me and some other oldies, headed to the end 
 to avoid the hardness of the water.  I tell you it easily knocks you over.    The last time I was in a wave pool has to be 10 years ago.  I was much braver then. LOL
It was pretty cool having a cabana to ourselves.  It had chairs, lounges, and two small tables.  Just right.   Only people allowed in this area is the ones that have rented a cabana, so it was more secure for your belongings.  It was well worth the money. 
Last but not least I must tell you how well this place is run.  The staff all appear to be well trained and courteous.  The changing rooms and bathrooms are clean and staff just automatically pick up trash when see it  on the ground. Lots of picnic tables , lots of shade and water, water everywhere.  If in NH, plan trip here, you won't be sorry.
Water Country :: Attractions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Friends and Homecomings

The dictionary meaning of "homecoming" as the arrival home of somebody who has been away.  But it is so much more.   With homecoming it brings on an assorted bouquet of emotions, joy, laughter, concern, tears and fears.  It is at times like this that we remember how lucky we are to share these friendships, and how we miss them when they are not around us.
In case you haven't guessed by now Beverly ( my home town ) is celebrating the 41st annual homecoming this week.  They expect to draw crowds of 20,000.    It's a full week of activities including volleyball contests, several breakfasts, art show, ice cream social, tours, nightly concerts, senior day, flea mk, and the every popular lobster festival, my personal favorite!  No, you are not going to see a picture of me ripping it apart or dripping butter down the front of me.   I don't want to spoil any image that you might have of me.

Old Friends

by Jim Morton

there’s hearts filled with laughter
and eyes moved to tears
with memories so vivid
transcending the years
the words of compassion
and actions so kind
the sun smiles down, when
old friends come to mind

I’ve counted my blessings
and shuffled my dreams
and sang to the music
of deep forest streams
searching for places
the light always shined
like deep in my soul, when
old friends come to mind

I count you among
all the guides on the path
who loved me and taught me
to dream and to laugh
when I reach my heaven
I know that I’ll find
this heaven was built
by old friends, I call mine…


Friday, July 20, 2007


Boston is known for their institutions of higher learning, medical facilities, sporting teams, restaurants, and museums.  Somewhere along the way it has been tagged  Beantown, referring to baked beans, City on the Hill, The Hub, The Cradle of liberty, and the Walking City.  Beantown is my favorite.
I thought today I would tell you  about a particular museum.  I'm sure some of you are thinking  Da Vinci, Monet or Picasso or perhaps  the Museum of Fine Arts.  One that you have probably have not heard of is the  Museum of Bad Art.  This museum is a collection of not-so- fine art, a tongue in cheek type of a place.
  It is physically located about eight miles south of downtown Boston in Dedham, MA. , in the basement of the community center, conveniently located next to the men's room, lit by a single flickering fluorescent bulb.  Their web site says "the worlds only museum dedicated to the collection, preservation, exhibition and celebration of bad art in all its forms."   Most of the art has been retrieved from someone's trash.
I'd say you need a sense of humor to enjoy it, or maybe go after you have had a few drink of whatever dulls  your senses.  

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Family Cook-out

Sailing in the Atlantic

Beach Fun

"The Falconer"

The lighthouse is hard to see in this picture.  This is good Navy duty here!

Part of the Rose Garden

Hunting for hermit crabs.

Conference with the cooks!

The half shell is used every week-end for free entertainment.

A true patroit.

In the spirit of the day.

Weddings are often held here in the garden.

Like migrating birds, family members gathered in Beverly, for the  usual 4th of July celebration.  The nesting took place at Lynch Park, a beautiful parked owned by the city.  Breakfast is served from 7 AM to 10:30, just like McDonalds, but the food is much better and varied.  Bacon, ham steaks, sausage, eggs, home fries, peppers and onions, waffles donuts and coffee.  Abundant lunchs and dinners  followed. Way to much food!
After a hearty breakfast, there is plenty to do, catching up on family news, or taking the kids down to one of the two beaches  to find hermit crabs, as the tide is out today.  It wasn't long before the men, along with the kids are having a softball game.  We gals were gather around to hear the latest family news.
Lynch   Park has a history dating back to the Revolutionary War particularly after the British closed Boston Harbor in June 1774.  The "Birthplace of the American Navy," Beverly was depended upon to disrupt British supply lines. Woodbury Point's fort with its seven gun battery was in turn relied upon to protect the important port.
 In later years, 1909 and 1910, President Taft leased the Stetson cottage which stood on today's Rose Garden. He made the cottage his summer White House.  In 1943, the sixteen acres were purchased for the city of Beverly.
Hope you enjoy the  photos.  Have a grand day.    It's a pool day here!  Gotta go.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

On July 4, 1776, we claimed our independence from Britain and Democracy was born. Every day thousands leave their homeland to come to the "land of the free and the home of the brave" so they can begin their American Dream.

The United States is truly a diverse nation made up of dynamic people. Each year on July 4, Americans celebrate that freedom and independence with barbecues, picnics, and family gatherings. Through the Internet we are learning about and communicating with people of different nations, with different languages and different races throughout the world. Bringing the world closer with understanding and knowledge can only benefit all nations.

We invite all nations to celebrate with Americans online this Fourth of July.

Happy Birthday, America!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

This and That

This and That
 We are back in Massachusetts for our annual doctor's visit and as always we look forward to renewing old friendships and seeing family.  
 We came in early this year as we were invited to a Air Force Retirement ceremony  for  our friend  MSgt Steven Crowley.  The formal ceremony was impressive and presented well.  The schedule of events were as follows:  Welcome, Official Party Arrival, National Anthem, Invocation, Retirement Orders, Flag folding ceremony, Comments from the Commanders, Presentations, Comments from Steven and lastly the Official Party Departure.  Can you believe I forgot my camera?    DAH!
After all the  pomp and circumstance, the Irish lived up to their image and partied hardy.   It was such a grand night and allow us all to thank Steven for his 23 years of service to our country and to show our appreciation for his distinguished  career.
Wow, It sure was warm today.   You know what I did?    Spent the day in the pool, only coming out meals and bathroom runs.    Boy, I'll pay the price tomorrow catching up with the work left undone today.  And how was your day?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Great News From Lahoma

   I just got off the phone with Lahoma and the doctor was just in and informed her that she is now in 100% remission.   Praise God.    
 She has developed a slight infection which she is being given antibiotics.   She will meet next with the team and they will let her know if she still will be given the marrow transplant or not. 
It is a sunny  day for her as Robert and Cameron are there for a visit.    
 Dawn   Doing The Happy Dance

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Flag Day and Other Ramblings

June is one busy month, lots going on, graduations, schools out, June weddings, summer camp begins, Fathers Day and today is Flag Day.  It's not celebrated as highly as the 4th of July, but we should.  Flag day is a day for all Americans to show respect for our flag and for all it stands for.   Many American have given their life for the flag.  I think my favorite picture is the flag planted on the moon surface.

Another event, not nearly as important as Flag Day, but none the less is important to us.   We are home in Beverly, Massachusetts for the next 2 or 3 months.  Me doing the happy dance.   Coming home is always a emotional experience sharing stories with friends and families, shedding tears of those passed, lots of laughter of times one by and rekindling friendships that have been missed.  The best part of going home is just being around the people that you care about.

A big thanks to Barb from HEY LET'S TALK for the caring entry she made about Lahoma.  Take the time to read it and send off a note or card to Lahoma yourself.

Another thanks goes out to Greg over at  Photo Trek for  featuring a photo of mine today.  I feel honored as he is such a wonderful  photographer .   Be sure to check out his photos.

 Love to all.  Sorry I have not been over to check out  your most recent entries, but I will be able to do more now that we have a connection.  YEA         Dawn

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Beautiful Ohio

Today we are in Ohio so it must be Tuesday.  We left Indiana at 8:45 this morning and arrived here at 1:30.
From the start we were towered over with dark black skies and rain.  Mid-morning the sky started to lighten up displaying an occasional hint of a peeking out sun.  Along the way were lush farm lands, cows grazing and  a Amish horse and carriage.
We stopped for diesel along the way, $2.71 a gallon, that price includes a small discount from  the Flying J gives us big guys!   With a 100 gallon tank, I guess they can afford to give up a little.  God Bless Them.
Did you know that Ohio is the only state to have  adopted an official rock song?  Well they do and you probably know it too.  "Hang on Sloopy"  The song was written by Ohio guys for the McCoys, who were from Ohio.  The song was about a gal called Sloop, who also sang and was from Ohio.  The official state ballad is
    Beautiful Ohio, where the golden grain
    Dwarf the lovely flowers in the summer rain. 
You Know You Are In Ohio If
You've heard of 3.2% beer.
You know all the 4 seasons: Winter, Still Winter, Almost Winter, and Construction.
You know what a buckeye really is, and have a recipe for candy ones.
You've heard of the Great Nickel Beer Night Riot.
You know that Serpent Mounds were not made by snakes.
You know what game they're playing when the Mud Hens take on the Clippers.
 You know what's knee-high by the Fourth of July.
You know which leaves make good toilet paper.
So I guess that's it for now.    Tomorrow we will leave for the Morgantown area in West Virginia.  I hope we have a sunny day.   Take care of each other.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Please pray for

Lahoma, of  Lahoma's Laments could use your support right now.   Tuesday she is going into the hospital for treatment for myeloid dysplasia.  She will be in a hospital many hours from home, which will mean she will be alone there..  Please send her emails of encouragement or visit her journal. She is a great gal with a wonderful sense of humor.  Prayers will be appreciated.  Her email address is  Thanks,

Friday, May 25, 2007

Hope This Entry Looks Better!

I bet you don't know what today is.  Well,I won't keep you guessing.  Today Bob and I are celebrating our 49th wedding annaversary.   I just can't believe how fast the time has past.   He is still my main man, and  I am so happy that we found ech other.     Have a good day all, we will!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Geez guys,  I don't know what happened to the previous entry.   Maybe I am still a little crazy!!  Is anyone else having this problem.  I have gone and lost my "edit entry" button. If  anyone sees it, please let me know.  I know I had it yesterday.

No Longer Crazy!

  We arrived in Indiana today and will be here for the next eleven days.   We were able to make reservations a couple of weeks ago, long enough to get through the holiday weekend. 
Thanks  for all the well wishes for Bob.  He's doing great, in fact TIA's are less frequent and don't last very long, just like the doctors had told us.  Praise God.
I'll make this a short entry as we have to go out.  Catch you all later.  Have a good day.


Monday, May 21, 2007

Going Crazy

Almost a week without a Internet connection and I am going crazy.     I know probably half of you don't believe me and the half that know me, are thinking "She always has been a little daffy." 
Before that I had problems with AOL and lost all my favorites, and trust me I was really upset with that.  I know have to find as many as I can.  This sinks!  I hope you will forgive me and I will catch up with Journal reading as soon as I can.
Today is Friday and I am writing this in advance of having a connection.  We are moving from  this beautiful Georgia park Sunday, going to Knoxville for a couple of days and then into Indiana.  We are hoping Knoxville has Wi-Fi.
Bob has been in the hospital for a few days, but released this afternoon with a clean bill of health.  It appears he had a TIA or a shortage of oxygen to the brain.  He has had TIA's before so they changed his medicine with one that will decrease either problem.  We will have a follow up with our own Doctor in Massachusetts.
While Bob was in the hospital, we were registered on a particular site for a limited number of days.  It was time for us to leave and the park had a reservation for our site  the same day as we were supposed to leave.  Our  friends, Art & Ginny, who live in Atlanta came in and moved our coach and set it up on another site, while Bob was still in the hospital. At  times like this we are so grateful to have great friends.  How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it.  Thanks guys.
Saturday May 19....  Back to the hospital this morning.  Bob as had another TIA.  The doctors feel that the new med he is on will stop these in a week or so.  So they told him if he gets more and they are no worse than the ones he is having now, he doesn't need to come back unless he has more symptoms leading to a stroke.  This is so scary.
Tonight  his face on the left side is numb again.  We are trying to remain calm.  What makes it worse is that we are in a park that locks the gate at 10:30. 
Monday,  May 21st.   Finally we have Wi-Fi for a day or so.  Leaving  tomorrow.  Hopefully we will be settled in by Wednesday for 10 days or so.   Gotta run.  More later.  Take care of yourself.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

"The Sea Was Angry That Day, My Friends"

Daytona, Florida
ALERT 1 - Coastal Flood Warning
Issue Time: 4:12PM EDT, Tuesday May 8, 2007
Valid Until: 4:00AM EDT, Wednesday May 9, 2007

Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Melbourne FL 412 PM EDT Tue May 8 2007
es in

Sunday, May 6, 2007


Well, it's been a while, but Bob and I are still wandering around.   Sorry it took so long to come back to J-Land.   I will try to do better! LOL    
We left Arizona in November as my dearest friend's husband was very ill and we thought  we would like to be closer to her and her family.  Carol and I are like blood sisters, who will remain friends forever, as we know to much about each other.  LOL   As we are making our summer plans, we have to face the fact that Michael, Carol's husband, and our friend will not be there.  For the past six years we stay at Carol's in our motorhome, and rituals have been formed.  Mike and Bob always share their morning coffee outside under the awning, joking and settling the worlds problems.  It was something they both enjoyed doing.  Mike was a quiet and unassuming man, a good father, grandfather, husband and friend.  We will miss him.
Currently we are in Ormond Beach, Florida.  We are about seven miles from the Flagler/Volusia fire that has been burning for about a week.  The smoke at  times is over powering, depending on which way the wind is blowing.  To make matters worse, today we had heavy thunder storms and  hail.  Hopefully the rain will slow down the fires.
We have spent the winter months in Florida and have had a grand time in Bakers Acres in Zephyrhills.  There are 250 RV resorts in Zephyrhills.  That means many seniors and many buffets. LOL Just like on the Steinfeld show, early bird specials!  
Zephyrhills is just north of Tampa and just a day trip to Disney or Bush Gardens.  Good location to see lots of things and just to play around.  The park that we stayed in is an extremely friendly park, with enough activities to keep one busy. 
It's getting late , so I will say Good Night  for now.