Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Friends and Homecomings

The dictionary meaning of "homecoming" as the arrival home of somebody who has been away.  But it is so much more.   With homecoming it brings on an assorted bouquet of emotions, joy, laughter, concern, tears and fears.  It is at times like this that we remember how lucky we are to share these friendships, and how we miss them when they are not around us.
In case you haven't guessed by now Beverly ( my home town ) is celebrating the 41st annual homecoming this week.  They expect to draw crowds of 20,000.    It's a full week of activities including volleyball contests, several breakfasts, art show, ice cream social, tours, nightly concerts, senior day, flea mk, and the every popular lobster festival, my personal favorite!  No, you are not going to see a picture of me ripping it apart or dripping butter down the front of me.   I don't want to spoil any image that you might have of me.

Old Friends

by Jim Morton

there’s hearts filled with laughter
and eyes moved to tears
with memories so vivid
transcending the years
the words of compassion
and actions so kind
the sun smiles down, when
old friends come to mind

I’ve counted my blessings
and shuffled my dreams
and sang to the music
of deep forest streams
searching for places
the light always shined
like deep in my soul, when
old friends come to mind

I count you among
all the guides on the path
who loved me and taught me
to dream and to laugh
when I reach my heaven
I know that I’ll find
this heaven was built
by old friends, I call mine…



Anonymous said...

Yum! I wish I could have been there. I'd probably end up being carried out. LOL You made me hungry Dawn! :) And how come Red Lobster's, Lobsters don't look like that? LOL

Love, Lahoma

Anonymous said...

The lobsters looked yummy!!!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun time and lots of good eats. Bill

Anonymous said...

Nice makes me wish I can from the coast.

Anonymous said...

We were sitting on the coast in the sun yesterday watching the fishermand put out there lobster creels. Unfortunately I have never tasted lobster .  Enjoy you week Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous time.  That looks like something I would enjoy.  It's nice when an entire town can come together and share the fun.


Anonymous said...

Sounds great!!! Hope all is going well and that you guys are having a great summer.

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun. I love lobster! I am glad you are enjoying your friends and good food.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn!

Wow, that looks like something I'd enjoy!  I hope you had a good time with your friends surrounded by lovely food!

Have a good day!
Leigh :o)"

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn:

Did someone say lobster - oh yum, yum,yum.  Did someone say "homecoming celebration in their home town.  Sounds like your in for a really good time.   I hope you enjoy every single every minute of it.

Blessings to you,

Marlene - A Poet's Point of View

Anonymous said...

Really a good time! Im jealous!

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