Sunday, September 23, 2007

You Asked For It!!!

 Maggie reading my journal

Good morning.  I received a few emails asking if I had a picture of me floating on my friends giant chair.  Well I don't know if you are all ready for this, but here it is.
Today we are on the road.  We will be spending the night in Kentucky and Monday on to Indiana to see our son for a few days.   From there we will back track a bit heading to Georgia for a spell and then into Florida for the winter. We will miss not going to Arizona this winter but with diesel prices it's a long trip. 
Talk with you all when I find the next Wi-Fi connection!!  LOL


Anonymous said...

The chair is fabulous.  I love it!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

You looked so relaxed! That is the coolest floaty I ever saw! Be careful on you travels. Have a wonderful trip.

Anonymous said...

I love that chair! Forget the pool... I want it for my playroom! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn what a comfy looking place to sit and read your book I would never get anything done at all not that I do a lot these day. Have a nice visit with your son. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, Well, don't you look pretty!! What a way to spend the day. LOL
So nice to see a photo of you. I'm  still on journal break but thought I'd stop by a few journals while checking mail. I so envy you being able to travel like this. Since I can't do it, I'm happy somebody I admire and love can. Kentucky is such a pretty place. I loved going through there. Loved Georgia - just not the humidity. I have a son and sister living in Arizona. The sister lives in Flagstaff, the son in Kingman. Enjoy Florida. It is beautiful. Take care of yourself. Have fun!!
Big hugs, and much love,

Anonymous said...

Well, you look so cute and comfy!  And Maggie is just adorable!  Enjoy Indy... I was just there for the first time this summer!  

be well,

Anonymous said...

That is a chair...I could get lost in that thing for hours.


Anonymous said...

So here I am ...told you I'd visit....that chair is the most amazing thing I have seen in quite a while!

Anonymous said...

A floating chair! Well, what next. Enjoy your travels!

Anonymous said...

I WANT ONE!!!! lol How cushy!!!!! Your living my dream girlfriend and GOOD for you!!! I'll get there.

Anonymous said...

Now that's some comfy chair, looks like you have th life of riley..tee hee hee! We'll be heading back to Ohio a hope in a few days.  Need to get back up there and help with my mom.  Hope we can take the camper, haven't had it out once yet. Maybe we can meet when you get to Florida.

Blessings to you,

Marlene - A Poet's Point Of View

Anonymous said...


Thanks for posting...


Anonymous said...

I begrudge your leisured travel life.

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