Thursday, August 16, 2007

Formula For Fun

  What a fun day we had today!!!   Double Geronimo, Racing Rapids. Adventure River and an awesome Wave Pool.   We were at Water Country in Portsmouth, NH.
I went with the sisterhood, old friends.  We were no competition to the young women there in their cute bikinis, but we had a  great time riding the waves and bobbling around in tubes.  Today we were kids again and we had a blast.
 We rented a cabana for the day, next to the wave pool.  Great time.  When they were ready to start up the waves, a horn blew, the young kids headed for the front to catch the first wave, me and some other oldies, headed to the end 
 to avoid the hardness of the water.  I tell you it easily knocks you over.    The last time I was in a wave pool has to be 10 years ago.  I was much braver then. LOL
It was pretty cool having a cabana to ourselves.  It had chairs, lounges, and two small tables.  Just right.   Only people allowed in this area is the ones that have rented a cabana, so it was more secure for your belongings.  It was well worth the money. 
Last but not least I must tell you how well this place is run.  The staff all appear to be well trained and courteous.  The changing rooms and bathrooms are clean and staff just automatically pick up trash when see it  on the ground. Lots of picnic tables , lots of shade and water, water everywhere.  If in NH, plan trip here, you won't be sorry.
Water Country :: Attractions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


Anonymous said...

Well, thanks for that recommendation!  It is good to know the important things!!!  Love the pics... looks like a good time!

Thanks for sharing... have missed you!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Wow! That looks like so much fun! I would love to go to the water park. The last time I went to the wave pool was about 10 years ago too. It is so much fun.
Have fun and take care.

Anonymous said...

I used to love waterparks so much!  Glad you had a great time.  Thanks for reminding me that I can still go back and enjoy these things!  (I may go to NH this fall too!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn:

Reviewed all your pictures and yes indeed looks like fun to me.  We have some waterworlds down here in Florida, as you probably know but it's been years for me too since I've been to one.  Love the Cabana idea.  We had the opportunity to go with our kids to Rainbow River today and so we put off getting the Camper registered today and just went out and had fun with them.  When are you hitting the road again.

Marlene - A Poet's Point of View

Anonymous said...

That looks like soooo much fun especially with the heat we have had lately. Love the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun day indeed, Dawn!

Anonymous said...

it sounds and looks like so much fun. I know Cameron and I would enjoy something like that. So sad though that summer is almost over. :(

love, Lahoma

Anonymous said...

Sound a great fun day and it is great to be kids again just for a while. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

How fun!!!!!!  I know you guys had a wonderful time!

As always, the pics are great and I'm still jealous.  LOL


Anonymous said...

Great day and great pics!

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