Saturday, October 6, 2007

This and That

The love bug is also known as a march fly, telephone bug, honeymoon bug, kiss and the double-headed bug, and I have a name for them but I am to much of a lady to spell it out here.
Love Bugs
   Before we had started on the Nomad lifestyle, I had never heard of a love bug and never missed them either.
   We were recently reminded of their existence in Alabama.  These little buggers were probably the first members of the mile high club.  Although their behavior and their name may be amusing they are not, they are a nuisance to all who drive.    We have a very big window on our motor home and when they hit, it is spattered with bugs and heavens knows what that yellow spatter is.  They need to be washed off as soon as we stop or they might not be able to be removed.  They also can ruin the paint finish.
Love bugs do not fly at night, but that doesn't help us, we don't drive the motor home at night either.  So I guess that's all for now, have a good weekend.
This and That
We met up with friends of ours in Nashville last week and found a very nice restaurant, The Aquarium.  Come to find out it is a chain of four.  Two in Texas, and one in Denver and here in Nashville.  Anyway as you already suspect it has an aquarium theme. 
We had called for reservations and were promptly seated beside a giant 200,000 gallon centerpiece aquarium.  This allows exceptional floor to ceiling viewing from all tables.  There were over 100 different and colorful tropical fish of all  sizes.   These fish came from the Caribbean Sea, Hawaii, South Pacific and the Indian Ocean.    I don't know a lot about fish other than haddock, but I did recognize sharks, and a 6 foot Maura ell, which is not a pretty sight.
Our waiter told us that the aquarium walls were 7 inches thick.   I thought that was a good thing!!
Not long after we were seated a diver made his appearance feeding the fish.   The fish are kept well fed so they don't lunch on each other. The diver came right down to the bottom  of the tank and had a large following.  We were told they feed them twice a day.  It was fun to watch while enjoying our fish and chips.



Anonymous said...

I never (and don't wanna lol) seen or heard of those bugs before. They look big.
Now the fish tank, I'd like to see that.

All my fish died while I was in the hospital a while back. They starved to death. :(

Love, Lahoma

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,

Oh gosh, I know exactly what you mean about these darned bugs being a big nuisance!  I hate it when they are in "season"......we made a trip in our motorhome and it was freshly washed and waxed before we headed out.  We hit a patch of these bugs and the motorhome was covered in them.  Who wants to mess with washing it when you finally reach your destination?  On the way home I was griping about the love bugs and how I hated thing I knew a buzzard flew into our windshield!  Talk about a mess to clean up! (ha)  So, I guess it can always get worse, huh?  Here in Texas there is an Aquarium restaurant about 30 minutes before you get to Galveston.  It's very entertaining to watch the fish while you eat, isn't it?  I love your sense of humor, you're very funny!  Travel safely!

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Been there done that...not only can they ruin the paint, they can actually etch the laminate on a windshield.  That happened on a truck I had a few years ago, I had no idea what I had run into, and didn't worry about getting it off the glass until I washed the truck later that week.  It was too late by that point...lesson learned, and now I know what these little dudes are capable of.


Anonymous said...

Wow!  That place sure sounds great... a show of fish while eating fish!  LOL  Ahhh yes, I remember the love bugs from my first FL trip in 1976!  lol

be well,

Anonymous said...

LOL I've got a few names for "Love Bugs" myself. :-)


Anonymous said...

Now why did you have to go and show me that thing, LOL?  I am going to have nightmares for the rest of my life!

Krissy :)

Anonymous said...

love bug. ...

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Anonymous said...

That is one of the strangest looking bugs I have ever seen.  It's really ugly.
Thank you for visiting my journal.


Anonymous said...

