Friday, July 20, 2007


Boston is known for their institutions of higher learning, medical facilities, sporting teams, restaurants, and museums.  Somewhere along the way it has been tagged  Beantown, referring to baked beans, City on the Hill, The Hub, The Cradle of liberty, and the Walking City.  Beantown is my favorite.
I thought today I would tell you  about a particular museum.  I'm sure some of you are thinking  Da Vinci, Monet or Picasso or perhaps  the Museum of Fine Arts.  One that you have probably have not heard of is the  Museum of Bad Art.  This museum is a collection of not-so- fine art, a tongue in cheek type of a place.
  It is physically located about eight miles south of downtown Boston in Dedham, MA. , in the basement of the community center, conveniently located next to the men's room, lit by a single flickering fluorescent bulb.  Their web site says "the worlds only museum dedicated to the collection, preservation, exhibition and celebration of bad art in all its forms."   Most of the art has been retrieved from someone's trash.
I'd say you need a sense of humor to enjoy it, or maybe go after you have had a few drink of whatever dulls  your senses.  


Anonymous said...

Hey, your picknic was fun to see.  Nothing like a family get together.  I will make sure to see the Museum of Bad Art the next time I am there--

Anonymous said...

Very cool... thanks for the treasure to check out the next I am in Beantown!

be well,

Anonymous said...

The paintings are not all that bad if I could paint like that I would be pleased. Have a good weekend. LOve Joan.

Anonymous said...

I've often wondered about what becomes of the art that somehow someone doesn't want, or didn't like after they did it.  Can't keep everything I guess, however I applaude this  person who took those orphans in and created a place for them.  I've yet to try my hand at actual painting other than what I did as a kid or with my grandkids, you know, no lessons or anything but this is one of the things I hope to do someday.  I would hope something I put that much time in would end up having a home.  

Blessing to you,

Marlene - A Poet's Point of View

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,

This was interesting to read about.  I've never heard of it before.  Whoever painted those pics had talent.....even though they aren't my taste.  It's always fun to come to your journal and learn new things or hear about new places.  Hope you and your hubby are doing well.

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

How interesting. Me and hubby will have to check it out the next time we go to the Boston area for lunch. I just adore Boston in the summertime.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn!

I do not consider those paintings to be 'Bad' ones.  If I could paint as well as that I would be very happy!

Have a good day!
Leigh :o)"