Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Family Cook-out

Sailing in the Atlantic

Beach Fun

"The Falconer"

The lighthouse is hard to see in this picture.  This is good Navy duty here!

Part of the Rose Garden

Hunting for hermit crabs.

Conference with the cooks!

The half shell is used every week-end for free entertainment.

A true patroit.

In the spirit of the day.

Weddings are often held here in the garden.

Like migrating birds, family members gathered in Beverly, for the  usual 4th of July celebration.  The nesting took place at Lynch Park, a beautiful parked owned by the city.  Breakfast is served from 7 AM to 10:30, just like McDonalds, but the food is much better and varied.  Bacon, ham steaks, sausage, eggs, home fries, peppers and onions, waffles donuts and coffee.  Abundant lunchs and dinners  followed. Way to much food!
After a hearty breakfast, there is plenty to do, catching up on family news, or taking the kids down to one of the two beaches  to find hermit crabs, as the tide is out today.  It wasn't long before the men, along with the kids are having a softball game.  We gals were gather around to hear the latest family news.
Lynch   Park has a history dating back to the Revolutionary War particularly after the British closed Boston Harbor in June 1774.  The "Birthplace of the American Navy," Beverly was depended upon to disrupt British supply lines. Woodbury Point's fort with its seven gun battery was in turn relied upon to protect the important port.
 In later years, 1909 and 1910, President Taft leased the Stetson cottage which stood on today's Rose Garden. He made the cottage his summer White House.  In 1943, the sixteen acres were purchased for the city of Beverly.
Hope you enjoy the  photos.  Have a grand day.    It's a pool day here!  Gotta go.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, I loved the photos! It looks like everyone was having a great time. I didn't do anything for the 4th but lie around, mostly in bed. Say Hi to hubby for me and heres a big ((((((hug))))) for you both.

Love, Lahoma

Anonymous said...

What great pics! I just love these. It looks like everyone had a fabulous time.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing those pics, Dawn. Looks like a great time was had by all

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!! Looks like alot of fun. Take care and be careful!!

Anonymous said...

Great pics!!!  I love history... MA is one of the best states for that!  :-)

Have a great day!  Stay cool...

be well,

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lovely day!  It's always nice to catch up with family and friends with a large gathering like that.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of what looks like a great day. Pool here day too   Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Oh I so loved this post and all the pictures. We've never been to your nexk of the woods but my daughter-in-law has a sister up in Maine and perhaps one day we'll make it up there.  In answer to your question about the camper, we haven't purchased it yet.  The couple that owns it are up in Alaska.  They go there every summer from June to September and although we can do business via the phone, we just might wait until they get back.  Depends on how soon we want to head out west after my mother returns home.

Blessings to you,

Marlene - A Poet's Point of View