Wednesday, May 23, 2007

No Longer Crazy!

  We arrived in Indiana today and will be here for the next eleven days.   We were able to make reservations a couple of weeks ago, long enough to get through the holiday weekend. 
Thanks  for all the well wishes for Bob.  He's doing great, in fact TIA's are less frequent and don't last very long, just like the doctors had told us.  Praise God.
I'll make this a short entry as we have to go out.  Catch you all later.  Have a good day.



Anonymous said...

So glad Bob is better!  Your pictures make me want to go to the beach REAL bad.  The one from Hannah Park looks just like some of the scenes I've seen along the NC coast...beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Pretty pics... glad to hear Bob is better!

be well,

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Bob is feeling better too. Wish I was at a nice secluded beach.

Enjoy Indiana!

Love, Lahoma

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Bob is better, but glad too that I finally got an alert that you posted.  Have missed your entries. Love the pictures. Wish I were there.
Hugs, and love too,

Anonymous said...

Im so glad to hear that Bob is doing better!! Take care and be well!!

Anonymous said...

So good to hear good news about Bob. I know that has got to be a great feeling for both of you to see the improvement!

Love the pics and as always I am soooooo jealous but also I am happy you guys get to do all this great stuff


Anonymous said...

Sorry folks, AOL has gone screwey again.   also lost the entry edit button.

Greg suggested I try this, hope it works.       Dawn
A Couple of Nomads

Anonymous said...

Hi -- I think your Add Entry button is on the right side of your screen -- you will need to scroll to the right.

When I look at this entry, all the photos are running right next to each other, which is making the page go extra wide.

If you add some breaks between each picture, your Journal should go back to a normal width.

Thanks -- Joe

Anonymous said...

Now that's one nice houseboat.   Did you go out  and spend the day on it.  We spent July 4th one year on a houseboat we rented from Miller's Marina in Suwannee Town, but it was not half as nice as that one.   We did have a great time though and that's all that counts.

Marlene - A Poet's Point Of View