Friday, May 25, 2007

Hope This Entry Looks Better!

I bet you don't know what today is.  Well,I won't keep you guessing.  Today Bob and I are celebrating our 49th wedding annaversary.   I just can't believe how fast the time has past.   He is still my main man, and  I am so happy that we found ech other.     Have a good day all, we will!!


Anonymous said...

WOW. That's just fabulous!!!!

Huge congratulations to a couple of great folks!


Anonymous said...

How wonderful! Have a great day together. I love the wedding picture. Look how far you have come together. I would love to celebrate my 49th with my husband one day. We have been married 22.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Gold for 2008, Dawn! Congrats and have a great time today.

Anonymous said...

Aww! Hope you two youngsters had a fab day!


Anonymous said...


be well,

Anonymous said...

How wonderful!!!! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

well, this is another alert I didn't get. I'm sorry I missed it and I hope you both had a great anniversary. I loved looking at the wedding photo.

Love, Lahoma

Anonymous said...

Thanks for noticing my Journals & verse. I hope you find time to read it all & send me some comments or e-mail me!
I envy the diary-style of natural writing. It doesn't seem to happen for me. We are also retired thru' my MS but we find we are still trying to beat deadlines to do 'this & that'.
I'll watch for your entries now.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated anniversary Dawn and Bob.   What a handsome couple you two made.  We didn't have a real wedding, we eloped me at 21 and he at 20.  Isn't that a hoot, you had to be 21 in those days to be considered adult enough to make such a decision without your parent's permission? It is however every girls dream to have a formal wedding isn't it.  Long story, but here we are too, 43 years later together and glad to be together.

Blessings to you,

Marlene - A Poet's Point of View