Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Geez guys,  I don't know what happened to the previous entry.   Maybe I am still a little crazy!!  Is anyone else having this problem.  I have gone and lost my "edit entry" button. If  anyone sees it, please let me know.  I know I had it yesterday.


Anonymous said...

That's weird!! The first time I looked at the entry below, the pictures were lined up top to bottom, not side to side.  I guess AOL does what it wants to do whether we like it or not!

Anonymous said...

I've seen that problem pop up from time to time.  It is actually very simple to fix.  Click on the add comment link at the bottom as if you were going to comment on your own entry.  While your there, go ahead, say something nice...but if you don't want to comment just cancel out of it and go back to the journal.  Your edit buttons should be back where you thought you left them.  It's the new "magic" AOL.  Just wait till they start messing with the email buttons on the main screen.
