Thursday, June 14, 2007

Flag Day and Other Ramblings

June is one busy month, lots going on, graduations, schools out, June weddings, summer camp begins, Fathers Day and today is Flag Day.  It's not celebrated as highly as the 4th of July, but we should.  Flag day is a day for all Americans to show respect for our flag and for all it stands for.   Many American have given their life for the flag.  I think my favorite picture is the flag planted on the moon surface.

Another event, not nearly as important as Flag Day, but none the less is important to us.   We are home in Beverly, Massachusetts for the next 2 or 3 months.  Me doing the happy dance.   Coming home is always a emotional experience sharing stories with friends and families, shedding tears of those passed, lots of laughter of times one by and rekindling friendships that have been missed.  The best part of going home is just being around the people that you care about.

A big thanks to Barb from HEY LET'S TALK for the caring entry she made about Lahoma.  Take the time to read it and send off a note or card to Lahoma yourself.

Another thanks goes out to Greg over at  Photo Trek for  featuring a photo of mine today.  I feel honored as he is such a wonderful  photographer .   Be sure to check out his photos.

 Love to all.  Sorry I have not been over to check out  your most recent entries, but I will be able to do more now that we have a connection.  YEA         Dawn


Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great 'Homecoming' Dawn and have a lovely summer. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Have a good homecoming, Dawn, and a good Flag Day of course :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn. SO glad you are going to be home for a while. I can just imagine how excited you are. I know your family and friends are looking forward to it as much as you and your hubby are. Have fun!
Love and hugs too,

Anonymous said...

I like the moon pic too!!!  I hope to here more from you soon!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Glad you are home for a while.  Traveling is nice, but it must be nice to set down roots occasionally.  Congratulations again on your win in the photo challenge!
