Thursday, June 21, 2007

Great News From Lahoma

   I just got off the phone with Lahoma and the doctor was just in and informed her that she is now in 100% remission.   Praise God.    
 She has developed a slight infection which she is being given antibiotics.   She will meet next with the team and they will let her know if she still will be given the marrow transplant or not. 
It is a sunny  day for her as Robert and Cameron are there for a visit.    
 Dawn   Doing The Happy Dance


Anonymous said...

IT really IS a great day- great news. I posted this update in my Hey Let's Talk journal so everybody will know that PRAYER WORKS.
Bless you, dear one.

Anonymous said...

May I have the next dance?


Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news indeed, Dawn, thanks for letting us know :-))

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo that's fabulous news!!!!!!!!! So go to hear good news!


Anonymous said...

Yay!!  Prayers from j-land helped I am sure!!!

be well,

Anonymous said...

How GREAT!!! That is wonderful news, thanks for letting us know!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn & Bob, congrats on your 49th, that was a lovely wedding picture.  hope Bob is doing fine...we have been busy, Mark, our son is moving back to Fort Wayne, soon, we hope, grandaughter from FL is coming to visit us, ralph gets his ear checked tomorrow where he is losing hearing, then next week to check his heart because of being so tired! but other than that we are still kicking! luv to all. Gus and pearl gunsenhouser

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Joy Joy...official soundtrack to the happy dance.


Anonymous said...

WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO excellent news to be passed along Dawn....I know your visit brightened her day! I know when I was on the phone with her a few nights ago we were both talking how you and BOB are living both our dreams traveling across this beautiful country of ours! lol
