Tuesday, June 26, 2007

This and That

This and That
 We are back in Massachusetts for our annual doctor's visit and as always we look forward to renewing old friendships and seeing family.  
 We came in early this year as we were invited to a Air Force Retirement ceremony  for  our friend  MSgt Steven Crowley.  The formal ceremony was impressive and presented well.  The schedule of events were as follows:  Welcome, Official Party Arrival, National Anthem, Invocation, Retirement Orders, Flag folding ceremony, Comments from the Commanders, Presentations, Comments from Steven and lastly the Official Party Departure.  Can you believe I forgot my camera?    DAH!
After all the  pomp and circumstance, the Irish lived up to their image and partied hardy.   It was such a grand night and allow us all to thank Steven for his 23 years of service to our country and to show our appreciation for his distinguished  career.
Wow, It sure was warm today.   You know what I did?    Spent the day in the pool, only coming out meals and bathroom runs.    Boy, I'll pay the price tomorrow catching up with the work left undone today.  And how was your day?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful send off for a good soldier!  And, the pool sounds good too!  LOL

be well,

Anonymous said...

My birth place and did ya know that I was an air force brat?? I was born in an army hospital....my brother came first no charge, then my sister again no charge....then me of course 3 bucks! lol My Mother knew then I was going to be expensive! lol lol lol

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn. How nice that you are back in Massachusetts. It's always so wonderful..hanging out with good friends. Hope you didn't overdo and that your doctor visits were good.
Hugs and love too,
Barb- http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/HEYLETSTALK

Anonymous said...

Not great weather over this side of the pond lots of flooding  but we have been OK so far just one or two showers today but chilly for June.  Hope you ejoy being 'home' for the summer. Love Joan.