Wednesday, March 31, 2004

School Bus Yellow Hummer

Up until today I  had writers block I guess.  BUT my friends Pat and Ken send me a email about a car show they went to called "Auto Show in Motion 2004"  Now Pat has always talked about having a school bus yellow Hummer so much that whenever we see one we think of her.  This car show had no sales people there.  She said it was a touch, check it out and drive one show.  They had courses set up to drive the different cars on to try them out.  You had to register and show that your drivers license was valid and in force. No big deal.  In order to dirve the Corvette or SSR, you had to drive either the passenger car course or the Luzury Car course first and get your wrist band punched.  No big deal.  In order to drive the H2, you had to drive either the SUV course or the truck course.  She  drove the required courses and headed for the Hummer2 course,  had a curves and a huge hill of dirt about 15 feet up and 15 feet straight down.   She had a blast.  So if you see this show advertised, don't miss it!   AutoShow in Motion

Yesterday we made a final run to Mexico for some meds.  The weather was 98 degrees, which forced me to have a  frozen strawberry margaretta, that was worth the trip in itself.  It's in the ninety's again today.  People in the park are scrambling  to leave AZ. for home.  We will leave the 15th of April. Boohoo.


Anonymous said...

Phew, 98 degrees. That's just too hot. I would scrambling to get out of there too. I can't wait to see what your next adventure will be.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Strawberry magaretta's sound soooooooo good! I think I'd like to try the corvette myself. I love convertibles:)

Anonymous said...

LOL this entry had me wondering.. wasn't there a song about 'big yellow bus' or maybe I'm thinking of 'Magic Bus!' What a coincidence I should read your entry today because I just posted one about car shopping in my journal. Once again, enjoyed my visit! ¤Holly

Anonymous said...

big monster hummer birthday wishes for you dawn!! happy birthday - happy you.

Anonymous said...

A girl at work was talking about the AutoShow in Motion here in Atlanta, they worked their way up to the Hummer, just like you describe. She said that you walk up it to saying "WHy would anyone NEED a $50,000 vehicle" and then you get out of it doing the math, saying "... if we sold the truck AND the car, we could have a Hummer ..." ha ha! She said it was truly awesome, I think I would like to try driving one just once.

~ Karyn