Monday, March 15, 2004

"What Did You Do?"

I feel like I should hid my face..  Everyone is asking me "What did you do?, What happened?' Did you ask them to take your journal  from 1st place to non-exsitence?"   NOOOOOOO, I didn't and I didn't do anything to have made them strip me from my week of glory.    I was having a happy day until I opened my email this afternoon.  I've hired Detective Hilda, from Beverly Massachusetts to find my first place journal.


Anonymous said...

it is obvious your fun is suiting your heealth.keep up the good work.GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Go Hilda!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh no I'm So sorry hope you find out why

Anonymous said...

Seeing your journal was bumped off the Top 5 list was a total shock for me. So I'm assuming AOL gave no explanation? I mean it's not like you're routinely railing against G.Bush (like I do) or inappropriate subjects (done that too) or.. wait a minute- I guess I can hang up the Top 5 forever!
¤H (A Fool On The Lake)

Anonymous said...

They should have waited. Very rude!

Anonymous said...

i can't understand why they would take you off before Thursday...thursday is when they pick all new ones....thats sooooo not should have asked AOL journal Editors why!

Anonymous said...

Well, what do you know ! It has been a long time Detective Hilda---this is Private Eye Pinelope, also from Beverly, Massachusetts. It is so good to see you back into the world of I Spy, & Solve once again. We worked many cases together, when you were here in Beverly,& the results were always phenominal. I wish you much luck Detective Hilda, in trying to locate the lost journal. Your former partner in Spy & Solve---------Private Eye Penelope.