Friday, March 12, 2004

South Mountain

South Mountains's is 16,000 acres of  pristine desert and more than 50 miles of trails.

The sights are superb, but let me tell you that the drive is not for novices, many twists and curves over a 20 min. drive.  If you are a white knuckle driver with heights, then you will wish you had stayed at home.  Outside rail coming down, no guard rails and narrow hairpin curves.

Other than the drive down, we enjoy the day. 


Anonymous said...

I really like your pictures and journals, you are a nifty writer and great sense of humor. from pearl gunsenhouser

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Like your journal. You're doing what I always wanted to do. I will be back. Please visit my journal when you have time.

Anonymous said...

Picture One has a rock on the mountain that looks like a large dinosaur head fossil.
Is this my imagination?

Anonymous said...

I absolutely loved reading your journal and will be back to continue reading about your adventures. Your love of life really shines through in your writing..Congrats on being chosen as #1-you deserve it. Come by and visit me when you have the time.**Ellie**

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS ON AOL # 1 JOURNAL. So happy for you and gee what a surprise. Loved the new pictures below and I'll be here to see the train pictures to. Have fun (ya I know you will lol) and safe home. *Becky

Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures

I'm the type that get very motion sick but it does sound like fun

Anonymous said...

Congrats on having a GREAT JOURNAL! I hope that one day I am able to do what your guys are doing traveling and see this great place they call america. Love the pictures. By the way my name is Vanessa and you can check out my journal at

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Pics...Great!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being selected as the Editor's Number One Pick! Enjoy! Lisa

Anonymous said...

oh how i envy you..some people like to travel Europe...i've been here for 3 years and have had get to not only be in America but travel it!!! so awsome

Anonymous said...

I lived in Phoenix from 1956 to 65..and used to take visitors to South Mountain for just the beautiful view of the city..'specially at night. Thanks for the was wonderful living there. Drove thru on the highway last month on the way to Tucson..didn't recognize anything but the street names. time flies.. ~Barb

Anonymous said...

ooohhhhhhhhh that's HOME! I lived in Phoenix for 30 years.....just moved to east Washington state. Thank you for the pictures.