Sunday, April 4, 2004


Our trip to Utah included Salt Lake, Topez Relocation Camp and a copper mine.
My main interest was to do some family research at the Family History Center.  Salt Lake has the world's largest repository of genealogical records. Where every your family came from, you can find information here.
The next stop was  the Topez Relocation Camp museum.  For thousands of Americans, Topaz was home during World War II, but not by choice. The United States government, caught up in the hysteria of war, forcibly rounded up its own citizens and locked them away in a desolate corner of Utah. Their crime was being of Japanese descent.  Maya Angelou said  " History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again."
Lastly we visited the  Bingham Canyon mine.  It  is the world's largest open-pit copper mine, measuring 0.5 miles deep and 2.5 miles wide. For perspective, the world's tallest building, the Sears Tower, is l,454 feet tall and would reach only half way up the side of the pit.  It's quite a sight..
Tomorrow morning we are going to Laughlin NV. for a few days.   Have a good week. Catch you when we get back.




Anonymous said...

Wow! Thks for the Pics!!

Anonymous said...

I never been to Utah.

Anonymous said...

The copper mine looks like an upside down mountain and just a large as one! Thanks for the pics. I love that Eagle!

Anonymous said...

Great Pics!!

Anonymous said...

Are you on the road again ?? Great pics.  Talk to you soon.  Hang loose, be well.

Anonymous said...

Have a fun time in Nevada!


Anonymous said...

**Hello ...hey I love your grand cayon pictures wow, and doesnt it make you wonder at what the cayon on Mars would look like which is suppose to be three times the size of ours!! The guys on the train lol robbers, made me think of Disneyland train robbers lol.  I really enjoy your pictures and sooo happy you know how to use the camera lol. Both of you take care.