Thursday, March 11, 2004

Thank you

What a great surprise.   I had been notified that I was being considered as a Editor's Pick, but was totally surprised with first place.   I also appreciate all the congrads and wonderful comments.  Thank you to all my old journal friends and welcome to my  new ones.


If you want to sign the thank you card for our military
guys and girls click here

In California, (where else) a legislator has proposed lowering the voting age to 14. 16 year olds would get 1/2 vote and 14 year olds would get 1/4 vote in state elections. Have you ever met a teenager who was capable of finishing a sentence never mind voting?restaurant stories?

In Ohio a woman found a piece of a human thumb in her salad. How gross is that?

Woman Thought $1M Bill She Used Was Real

Sweet dreams.    Catch you all tomorrow. 



Anonymous said...

Great job and congrats! Bask in the glory. xxoo

Anonymous said...

Congradulations on getting in the top five for this week's AOL journal picks. You can check out my journal at Have a fun week in being in the top five.

Anonymous said...

whoo-hooo!!! Well touch you with a big stick missy!! of course, ask me if i am surprised....

congrats and enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting #1 spot on the Editor's Pick List! It's fun, huh? I like your journal - it's a great read! Come visit me at: Robin's Nest. Robyn

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn and Bob,
Congrats.....Who would have thunk!!!! All that messing around on the computers when it was AOL 2.0....
Miss you guys.
Pam (A Floridian now!)

Anonymous said...

Congrats..what a great read! Sounds like you two are having the time of your lives!! My friend is talking about getting an RV..hope I'm included in the fun. Come visit me sometime and I'll be back to read more of yours. ~Barb

Anonymous said...

Lovely journal you have here :) Congratulations on making the big list! I invite you to give me a visit

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the first palce

You are so right about a 14 year old or even a 16 year old voting they can't even think let alone vote.

They are so into themselves.

Oh no you are right that is so gross a thumb in a salad. oh what about the person who lost it.

How could the woman not know that 1 million dollar bill was a fake.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being an editor's pic. I've really enjoyed your journal. From a future "snowbird".