Saturday, March 27, 2004

Zion National Park

We were talking the other night how blessed we are to be able to travel at our leisure and see what a beautiful  country we live in.  When we left Az. last April we waundered  to Utah. What a feast of  scenic delights.  We stayed there close to a month and need to go back sometime .  It was there we found Zion , another National Park. Being able to travel on off season relieves us of the crowds and the heat of summer in these popular attractions.

The park encompasses 150,000 acres and is  a spectacular geologic wonder.  Sheer red and white sandstone cliffs tower up to 2,500 feet .

We saw many climbers scaling the cliffs and was frightened for them.  I guess that's what we old folks do, worry about something like that.  I must be running out of space now.  Love to you all who read this.                                                          


Anonymous said...

March 27, 2004

Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed you sharing your pictures with me .
I hope I will be successful in sending to you my comment. I'll click on "Save" and see what happens. If I don't lose this screen I" click on "Help."

Ralph Erwin

Anonymous said...

how wonderful!! love the sights - you stayed a whole month? and still more to see and do?...did you see monument valley? i hope you have a wonderful time on the cruise too...

Anonymous said...

I haven't been to this park since I was kid. I loved it then and the pictures brought back some fond memories. It is a spectacular place!

Anonymous said...

I love Zion! Thanks for sharing the pictures. It makes me want to go back and visit. If you ever travel out to Vegas, stop by Boulder Station Casino, in the Boulder Cafe. I would love to meet you guys. I love your journal! ~Shay

Anonymous said...

Here's my journal link~Shay

Anonymous said...

Very cool photos! I don't know how those climbers do it. I admire them though.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I haven't been able to visit your Journal but I have been pretty busy and as you know time goes by fast. You're been writting some nice and interesting items and Im glad Im able to come visit again. All is well with me and my son and and I'll be updating my Journal soon. I hope to return more often then I have.
Take care,
John G.

Anonymous said...

I love coming to your journal and always check for updates. I feel like I am travling with you. I love the pics you take they are beautiful. Have fun as you hit the road again. Cindy

Anonymous said...

what beautiful pictures. I like the last three the bestest!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Those were great pics. Do you or your husband take them???

Anonymous said...

those pics are beautiful, I made my husband come look too. We're putting it on our WANNA SEE list. Climbers made me nervous, too. Greg thought it looked fun!

~ Karyn