Sunday, March 14, 2004

Dogsbreath Devereaux

Last night we went to see the Good Life Players present " Dogsbreath Devereaux, The Dastardly Doctor", or Nurses Foiled Again.  This was a very funny melodrama, with lots of audience participation, and did they participate!   Lots of  hissing, booing, and aheeeee's.   Such talent people we have here.  I'm the shy type, but I really want to be a stage star.  Maybe I'll try out next winter for a part.   I can see it now...Newspaper reportes, calls from Hollywood, autograph seekers all clammering for my attention.  DAWN, DAWN  WAKE UP !!!!

  Have a happy day.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a busy and interesting life you lead. Reading your journal is a real treat, so keep on treking and keep on writing so that we can continue to share in the fun.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I want to first say a big CONGRATS on the weekly editors pic for #1 journal.
I enjoyed reading your journal and envy your style of life. My mother and I our in the proccess of selling her house to buy a travel trailer and hit the road. She wants to be able to see the dessert in bloom too.....come visit our journal....our journey to becoming fulltimers. And thanks for sharing yours. Judi

Anonymous said...

You, the shy type?? I don't think so. Get on out there and get that leading role!

Anonymous said...

EDITOR`S PICK #1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Deserve It!!

Anonymous said...

paper texan? hmm well thats better than nothing, but nothing is like being a real texan, never has, never will.............

Anonymous said...

Kudos & salutations. Bask in it while it lasts ... probably will increase your readership quite a bit, too. Ah, the downside to hiding! ha ha.

I love a good play. I forget how much until I hear someone else having such a great evening at the Theatre. I need to find some theatre-going girlfriends, so I can go during the week when Greg is gone sometimes!

~ Karyn