Wednesday, March 31, 2004

School Bus Yellow Hummer

Up until today I  had writers block I guess.  BUT my friends Pat and Ken send me a email about a car show they went to called "Auto Show in Motion 2004"  Now Pat has always talked about having a school bus yellow Hummer so much that whenever we see one we think of her.  This car show had no sales people there.  She said it was a touch, check it out and drive one show.  They had courses set up to drive the different cars on to try them out.  You had to register and show that your drivers license was valid and in force. No big deal.  In order to dirve the Corvette or SSR, you had to drive either the passenger car course or the Luzury Car course first and get your wrist band punched.  No big deal.  In order to drive the H2, you had to drive either the SUV course or the truck course.  She  drove the required courses and headed for the Hummer2 course,  had a curves and a huge hill of dirt about 15 feet up and 15 feet straight down.   She had a blast.  So if you see this show advertised, don't miss it!   AutoShow in Motion

Yesterday we made a final run to Mexico for some meds.  The weather was 98 degrees, which forced me to have a  frozen strawberry margaretta, that was worth the trip in itself.  It's in the ninety's again today.  People in the park are scrambling  to leave AZ. for home.  We will leave the 15th of April. Boohoo.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Zion National Park

We were talking the other night how blessed we are to be able to travel at our leisure and see what a beautiful  country we live in.  When we left Az. last April we waundered  to Utah. What a feast of  scenic delights.  We stayed there close to a month and need to go back sometime .  It was there we found Zion , another National Park. Being able to travel on off season relieves us of the crowds and the heat of summer in these popular attractions.

The park encompasses 150,000 acres and is  a spectacular geologic wonder.  Sheer red and white sandstone cliffs tower up to 2,500 feet .

We saw many climbers scaling the cliffs and was frightened for them.  I guess that's what we old folks do, worry about something like that.  I must be running out of space now.  Love to you all who read this.                                                          

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

The Grand Canyon

Well we're back.  We drove to Williams Az.  The next morning we took the Grand Canyon Railway to the Canyon.  We were in the Club Car and  it was a fun ride up with a group of party goers, stroling entertainers and an open  bar. Coffee, tonic and pasteries were free of charge.  It's a 2hr 15 min. ride to the Canyon.

This was our first trip there and we we not disappointed.  Just awesome.  The air pollution was on 11, 12 being the highest.  Add that with the elevation and it was difficult breathing for some folks. Never the less a good time was had by all.                                                                                            

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Summer Plans

We were planning on visiting California, Oregon and Washington this summer.  But our plans have changed.  We have been invited to go on a cruise out of Boston with a group of old friends.  This will be a fun time renewing friendships.

When we leave here April 15th, we will be heading for Albuquerque and Santa Fe, a "must see" on our list.  From there we are going to see our youngest son in Indiana.  Next adventure will be a trip to Lake Lanier in Georgia with some friends in this lovely Corp of Engineer Park.  All sites have waterfront.  It's just a short hop to Atlanta, which has a lot to see and do.  From there into New England.  Our target date to be in Massachusetts is the last week of June, about 10 weeks travel time.

The park here in Arizona  is full of children and grandchildren visiting from all over the country, enjoying the warm weather, which has been between 85-95 degrees.  The "hang out" area is the pool of course. They brighten up the park just by being here.

Tomorrow morning we are going up to the Grand Canyon for a few days.  Catch you all later.  Happy Monday.              


Wednesday, March 17, 2004



A mischievous elf in Irish folklore.  They are about 3 ft. tall and proportionately built.  They dress plainly & carry two coins.- one magic replenishing coin that will always return to the purse after it's spent & one dummy coin that  will turn to a rock once he has given it away.  Leprechauns are solitary, anti-social & hard working- often found behind trees smoking pipes or making shoes.

Your RiverSongs Greeting:

No Answers Yet

Detective Hilda is still on the hunt.  She thanks all of you that have send emails and left entries on the message board.  Journal Editors have not offered a explaination yet.  My hours of fame are ticking away.  

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day


Another graphic from Lisa.

I've been a wild rover for many a year
And I spent all my money on whiskey and beer,
And now I'm returning with gold in great store
And I never will play the wild rover no more.

chorus: And it's no, nay, never,
No nay never no more,
Will I play the wild rover
No never no more.

Lots of celbrating going on here in the park.  Tonight we had a Corned Beef Dinner with all the fixins, including green beer.  Tomorrow morning there is a potato planting program at the pool.  Music and fun the notice's says.  Tomorrow night it's the Irish Fiddlers.       

Monday, March 15, 2004

"What Did You Do?"

I feel like I should hid my face..  Everyone is asking me "What did you do?, What happened?' Did you ask them to take your journal  from 1st place to non-exsitence?"   NOOOOOOO, I didn't and I didn't do anything to have made them strip me from my week of glory.    I was having a happy day until I opened my email this afternoon.  I've hired Detective Hilda, from Beverly Massachusetts to find my first place journal.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Dogsbreath Devereaux

Last night we went to see the Good Life Players present " Dogsbreath Devereaux, The Dastardly Doctor", or Nurses Foiled Again.  This was a very funny melodrama, with lots of audience participation, and did they participate!   Lots of  hissing, booing, and aheeeee's.   Such talent people we have here.  I'm the shy type, but I really want to be a stage star.  Maybe I'll try out next winter for a part.   I can see it now...Newspaper reportes, calls from Hollywood, autograph seekers all clammering for my attention.  DAWN, DAWN  WAKE UP !!!!

  Have a happy day.

Saturday, March 13, 2004


This bread is easy and very tasty.                         

3 c sifted flour        4 teasp baking powder

1 teasp salt

1/3 c sugar

1 Tables caraway seeds

1 c raisins

1 c milk or a little more!

Mix all except the milk.  Then add milk.  When mixed it should be like marshed potato.

Flour a bread board and kneed lightly for 1 min.  It's very sticky.  Put in a greased pan, make a slice on top of bread.  Bake for 45 min in a 375 oven.

Friday, March 12, 2004

South Mountain

South Mountains's is 16,000 acres of  pristine desert and more than 50 miles of trails.

The sights are superb, but let me tell you that the drive is not for novices, many twists and curves over a 20 min. drive.  If you are a white knuckle driver with heights, then you will wish you had stayed at home.  Outside rail coming down, no guard rails and narrow hairpin curves.

Other than the drive down, we enjoy the day. 

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Thank you

What a great surprise.   I had been notified that I was being considered as a Editor's Pick, but was totally surprised with first place.   I also appreciate all the congrads and wonderful comments.  Thank you to all my old journal friends and welcome to my  new ones.


If you want to sign the thank you card for our military
guys and girls click here

In California, (where else) a legislator has proposed lowering the voting age to 14. 16 year olds would get 1/2 vote and 14 year olds would get 1/4 vote in state elections. Have you ever met a teenager who was capable of finishing a sentence never mind voting?restaurant stories?

In Ohio a woman found a piece of a human thumb in her salad. How gross is that?

Woman Thought $1M Bill She Used Was Real

Sweet dreams.    Catch you all tomorrow. 


Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Phoenix Mystery Castle

Last weekend we drove to the  Phoenix Mystery Castle at the foot of South Mountain, which we are going back to today.  This is a curious dwelling  made from desert rocks, railroad refuse and anything else its builder could find.  This is a fairy tale fantasey of  Bruce Luther Gulley's  daughter, Mary Lou.  Bruce was told he had TB and moved to Arizona for health reason.  Having nothing but time he built this 18-room home.   It's was in the limitless desert and still is.    There is a wired fence around the property and I don't know if it is to keep out animals or intruders.  It must be dark and lonely at night.

 His daughter still lives there, conducting tours and recounting how her father filled the castle with antiques and , and in the process of fulfilling her dream, regained his health.

Tuesday, March 9, 2004


That's me today.  Just being a martyr, keep going, things must be done, don't go to bed .  These are things all women learn after having a family.

It's been a colder than normal winter here in Az. this year, BUT today it's in the 90's.  I bet everyone but me is at the pool, having fun. 

If my mood  gets any better, I'll be back later.    sniff, sniff.

Sunday, March 7, 2004

Philosophy of Life

Philosophy of Life  
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention
of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body,
but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up,
totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming --
WOW -- What a Ride!

Saturday, March 6, 2004

Arizona Opry

What a rootin-tootin good time we had last night. Twelve of us went to the Barleens Arizona Opry Dinner Show.

When we got there at 6pm the table was all set up for us, including a large piece of chololate cake for each of us.  Most of us believing in the old saying "Life is short, eat dessert first", did just that.   Very tender roast beef, whipped potatoes and so on.  Coffee and lemonade were included in the price. Other drinks could be purchased.

It was a country music show with all family members.  One of the comedians, a brother, even cooked the meal for 500.  He was a army chef too. One of the other performers played 33 instruments and had a voice with a five-octave range.  He was wonderful. All in all, it was a toe tappin night.

Untitled Document

Tuesday, March 2, 2004

How time flies when your having fun.

It never rains but it pours.  Thast's an old saying for you youngsters.  We are trying to see everything and do all the things on our list now, because we will be leaving here in 6 weeks.  Now is catch up time.

We made reservations to go to the Grand Canyon the 21st. We will be taking the train from Williams to the Canyon.    Grand Canyon Railway     We also are going to Laughlin for a few days in April, which we won at the Casino school..

Today we got an invitation to celebratate a fifty wedding anniversary in Texas.   Unfortunatly we will not be able to go.  But let me tell you what we will be missing.  It's going to be, they tell me, a three-day extravaganza.  Starting  on Thursday   a chili fest, on Friday a Gulf  Coast Crawfish Boil and Saturday an Anniversary Party and a Texas Barbeque.  These Texans know how to throw a party.  Of course this  New England gal would stick out like a sore thumb at a crawfish boil. I don't think I've ever see a crawfish.   Give me a full size lobester anyday.  It sound like it will be a great week-end and we are truly sorry to miss it.

All this talk about food, I guess I'll go make up a pot of chowda!