Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Part 3

We got some great  pictures today, starting off with the Eagles,  We are  following the Gibban River to Norris to the Fishing Bridge.  As we are still only able to use the office dial up to get on the Internet, this will be short on words.  I think you would rather see the photos than to hear me ramble on.  
We saw no moose or bear while here.  This was disappointing, but that's life, isn't it?
The lower falls are the most beautiful and are often called the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.  Every second, an average of 37,417 gallons of water plunges 308 feet over the falls.  Seeing this is an experience in itself.  It is an awesome sight.   We had our friends, Earl and Joyce take our picture here and might use it on our Christmas cards this year.
Speaking of Earl and Joyce, it was such fun spending time with them again.  They are such a joy to be around. We all had met three years ago in Delta, Utah and kept in touch by email.  They are real Texans, while we are just paper Texans.  The last time, several years ago, I upset someone with the phase "paper Texan."    So sorry if you are still out there, but that's what we are.  We don't talk like a Texan, dress like a Texan, but we sure as hell love them.   I tell them "We weren't born in Texas, but got here as quick as we could."  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Hope you enjoy the photos.    Love to all.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your entry and pics.  So very enjoyable!!  Can't imagine why someone would be offended by your remark of being a paper Texan????  It's a cute phrase to me, I've never heard of it before. And I live in Texas!! (ha)

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn do you thinK I could tick Your Bald Headed Eagles for my life list of birds. Did you have a long lense on your camera or were you that close?. Great pictures again. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

More lovely pictures of amazing views and animals and birds all taken in thier natural habitat ,really love your journal Dawn ,take care my friend .....Jan xx

Anonymous said...

You're right you did get some great pics.  I love the Eagles.  Just wonderful.

Keep on having a great time!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I love your pitchers!
I hope you have fun!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your having a fun time!! Ride On!!
---Granny Hugs to Ya, MARY  

Anonymous said...

LMAO at your Texan story. I love, love, love the photo's. What kind of camera are you using? I just got me a new one and it has so many options and is so confusing that it's a miracle that I've even figured out how to take a photo. LOL


Anonymous said...

Stunning photos again, thanks for sharing them,