Monday, May 29, 2006

Yellowstone National Park Part 1

In 1872 , 2.2 million acres of forest, meadows, lakes and rivers were set aside by Congress as the first National Park.  I doubt that anyone vising the park would not be mesmerized by the Grand Canyon of the yellowstone, the water falls, the thermal areas,, lakes and the abundants of wildlife.  It seemed that around every corner we were surrounded by buffalo, which I have fallen in love with.  There were in the fields and hiking down the roads.  The cars in front or behind didn't bother them at all.  It was just awesome sight driving by them, so close.  They weigh 2000 pounds and sprint at 30 miles per hour, three times faster than we can run.  They appear tame and unconcerning, but still unpredictable and dangerous.  Check out some of my buffalo photos.  So cute!
Our first day visit to the park, needless to say we entered the West Gate.  We drove alone the Madison River, elevation 6806 feet.  Next we took a right onto Firehole Rd. to the Fountain Paint Pot, the Lower Geyser Basin and the Great Fountain Geyser.  Our destination was Old Faithful.  We were in the park six hours that just flew by and left us hankering for more.
I have only put in a few pictures today as we are on dial up, and it takes a while to put them in.  tomorrow I'll add a few more.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos!  Thanks so much for sharing them, I am looking forward to seeing more tomorrow.  Sounds like y'all are having a great time.  Take care

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photo's today Dawn, have wathched many programs about Yellowstone and have always thought it must be a superb  place to visit. Did you see Old Faithful doing his thing.  Saw a program about earthquakes  that said the big one could come in Yellowstone. It was really interesting. Hope you enjoy the rest of your visit. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful pictures!!  What a majestic place.  And the buffalo...OMG they are beautiful!  Thanks for sharing these.
Enjoy your stay there.  Looking forward to seeing more!

Anonymous said...

Iloved your pictures particularly like you the buffalo.still having amazing adventures ..........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Great photos of a truly unique place!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,

Your pictures are great, you're doing a wonderful job of capturing the look and feel of the place for everyone.  I was amazed at how quickly the time passes there too, I hated for the sun to go down! We loved seeing Old Faithful, just an unbelievable sight! Have you seen any bears?  That was one thing that really scared me, all the signs about the bears....and if you BBQ'd or cooked outdoors to remove those clothes because they can smell the food....I just knew a bear was going to try to break in! (ha)

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Enjoying it all.  We were there in April but only spent one and a half days then wished we had spent one more night and went back in.  Just got to get a camper.  Here of any good buys on a fifth wheel and a 3500 Dodge or Ford disel pickup let us know.  Your pictures are wonderful.  You might want to enter some on, just might get them on their calendar for next year.

Blessings to you and happy traveling.
