Monday, May 1, 2006

Zion National Park

Today we went to the Zion National Park here in Utah.   The last time we were here it was raining so bad the pictures were depressing.  Today was a bright sunny day, but there was a haze over the top of the mountains, pollution?  
Driving through the park in your own vehicle is not allowed, but shuttles, free of charge are available every ten minutes.  You can get off at designated stops and hop back on the next  shuttle to continue on.
There were visitors there from several different countries, all enjoying one of America's wonderful national parks.  We talked with a young couple from Manchester England, a town where my own dear Mother was born.   Visitors from Texas and Massachusetts also shared a few moments with us.
Lots of young hikers were visible along with backpackers, rock climbers and bicycling.  There were climbers seen high above on the cliffs.  They were so high up, it was difficult to see them.  They must have nerves of steel!
Our next stop is going to be Delta, Utah.   We are meeting a young man from Minnesota, whom we meet a few years back while he was fossil digging and another couple Joyce and Earl from Texas who we haven't seen in a few years.  They are on their way to Wyoming for the summer. Bob also has a friend here who loves to golf as much as Bob does.    We will be here around two weeks.   The only problem with Delta Utah is no phone signal.  This is what I wpuld call the boonies. Who knows, maybe it got better since we were last there.  So if you don't hear from me, I'm probably alive and still kicking in Utah.
Be good to each other.    Hugs till we chat again.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're enjoying yourself. Isn't it great being able to meet so many people as you travel? That is one of the things I loved the most about trucking.

Anonymous said...

I can just imagine the birds there will be in that park You know the expression wish you were here well I am saying wish I was there. I too am off on holiday at the end of the week speak to you when we get back and you get a signal. Love take care Joan.

Anonymous said...

Joan just said it ,wish Iwas there too,you are so lucky to being seeing all these wonderful sights ,and we are lucky you are sharing them ,with us ,So your Mum was English then ?.............Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I WANT YOUR LIFE!!!! (just not the gas bill! lol lol lol) I did a lil pimping of your journal in my blog today :)

Anonymous said...

I definitely want your life. When the kids grow up and retirement beckons for both of us, I am going to travel around Europe,

Anonymous said...

Wow, I stay away for a week and look at all you've done.  I haven't been to Zion National Park since I was a kid.  I remember how much fun we had there.

I am sure you are having a blast.  The pics are just perfect!!


Anonymous said...

your pictures are safely..gus and pearl in IN

Anonymous said...


I came by way of Kim's journal.  I'm so glad she "pimped" your husband and I just bought a new motorhome last week and took a short 3 day trip in it last weekend.  We've always loved camping and had a 5th wheel for a few years and had been thinking of a motorhome eventually.  We decided to go for it, while he is still working to start paying it off and we can use it part time....we absolutely loved our first trip in it!  I plan to go back and read your past do you like full timing it?

Take Care,