Sunday, June 4, 2006

Sheridan, WY.

We are now in Sheridan, Wy. until Monday.  This city was recently voted the Number 1 Best Western Town in the U.S. by the Latitude Traveling Magazine. 
One doesn't have to be here very long before you know you are in cowboy country.  Ladies, they are everywhere!  If you have dreamed of being a cowboy or girl "Come on down".  As early as 1920, Sheridan boasted over 30 "dude" ranches attracting thousands og guests each summer.
The "King" of saddle making, Don Butler,  lives here in Sheridan too.  Now, being a city gal, I don't know Jack about saddles, but he must be good as his price  for a custom-made saddle starts at $3000.00, but can quickly jump into the tens of thousands.
The Historic Sheridan Inn is a real treasure .  It was built across from the train depot and was advertised as" the finest hotel between Chicago and San Francisco." Colonel William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody frequented the Inn and was once part owner. He would sit on the grand porch of this gracious building and would audition acts for his "Wild West Show." The Inn is widely known as the "House of 69 Gables" as listed in Ripley's Believe It or Not and it has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places.  This was a party place as we would say today.  The wildest one was on the eve of Prohibition's birth in Wyoming.Every liquor glass was carried away for souvenirs and waiters finally had to bring out tea cups to finish serving drinks.  Many well known guests have walked these floors, among them Will Rogers, Ernest Hemmingway (always loved a good bar), Bob Hope,and Herbert Hoover to mention a few.  And NOW, never to be out done, Bob and I bent our elbow there.


Anonymous said...

I never heard of this place before.  Now I wanna go there, too!
LOL on the fishing!

Anonymous said...

What a great place would like a drink in there too. Where to next? Don't think hubby shoul go fishing. Love Joan

Anonymous said...

What amazing sights and places you are taking us to , I'd love to see some of those sights for real, lol at the fishing if you let him go you might just stay in that town lol .........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Bob does know that there are no such things as mermaids right?? lol lol lol

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn! LOL about Bob taking up fishing. Loved the pics and it sounds like a fun place.



Anonymous said...

I stumbled into your journal and I am damn glad I did!  How awesome to be living in an RV full time!  Wow!!!  I can't wait to read more!

be well,