Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Part 2 Yellowstone Pics

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The above pictures are continued from the first day visit to Yellowstone.   Did you know that Yellowstone preserves the largest hydrothermal area on the planet? 


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn no I didnt know that ,great pictures again ..........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures!!!  I can't believe the buffalo get so close to the cars!!  

Anonymous said...

Smashing pictures today again what a size thes beasts are. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Now I know why my SIL raves about that place. Beautiful photos!

Anonymous said...

Hi just started reading your blog and I have to say I am jealous of your nomadic life. Sounds like you have great fun. My family and I visited Yellowstone last year and loved it. A beautiful place.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures, once again!!  So many shots you take, without cars and things.....look like something out of a movie.  Almost like you expect to see some Indians nearby.....or maybe Kevin Costner on a horse? (ha) So glad you both are having such a great trip.

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

These pictures are really great.