Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Salt Lake City, Utah

Tuesday May 2nd        We made it to Delta Utah, our club home park.  It is so quiet here and why you ask, because we don't have to run the air condtioner.  The air feels so good.  Our friend Kirt, the young fossell digger arrived here tonight as well.  Bob called his local golfing partner Dan and they made plans to golf Wednesday.  Being alone I tried out a new receipe for Lazy-Man Cabbage Rolls and it turned out very good.  Bob is always suggesting I make him some cabbage rolls, but it is so much work in this small kitchen, I haven't done it.  Kirt came for supper as well.  Three votes to make it again.
Thursday   When ever we come this way, on our way to Salt Lake, we  stop  here so now we  know a few people in the area. The Delta Senior offers a great lunch for seniors for only &2.25 and it 's all home cooked and includes a drink and dessert.  They put out a  monthly menu and often have a guest speaker of some sort,,  Today the speakers was a Cowboy
Poet.  He read a few of his poems and was a pretty funny guy. 
Friday.....We needed to check our minutes used on our cell phone and had to drive 28 miles to be able to get a signal to call  a rep. from Sprint.  Tomorrow our friends from Texas will be here.  YAH! 
Thursday  May 11  Bob and I agree this has been one of the most boring week of our lives.  I'm telling you, there is nothing here.  The reason we are here is that we are on the way to Salt Lake and resorts rates will be high there.  We are staying here for free to gain extra gas money.  The trip home could cost us $1200 or more depending on diesel prices. 
The other night we went to see the new movie "RV", had some funny scenes in it.  I would tell you it's a movie that you must see, but Rv'ing ourselves, it was ok.
Sunday    Happy Belated Mother's Day ladies.   Better late than never.  Two more long long days here.   HELP      This morning we went to the local Catholic Church and there was no priest.  A nun said the Mass, never have seen that before.  The weather here has been warm durning the day and cooler at night, the best part of Delta, I would guess.  
Tuesday....Finally in Salt Lake, cable, cell phone service, AM radio, Oh boy, am I happy.  I wil be around to catch up on all that I have missed in your journals.  Just need a little time to catch up.  I've missed you guys.
This morning I off to the History Center to find  out when my grandmother arrived in the US.  One goal a day! 


Anonymous said...

Great to get another entry, I have been waiting for it. Your nomadic lifestyle has got me hooked. A Nun saying the Mass? Did she do consecration and all? If so I wonder what the Vatican would think?

Anonymous said...

If gas prices keep going up it's going to be cheaper to park your RV here in AZ and fly home next year!  LOL  Good to hear from you again.  Stay safe

Anonymous said...

I love reading about your adventures!!  Beautiful pictures!  I haven't seen a Nun do Mass before.  Interesting.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures ,really enjoyed your account of the last week ,the lows and the highs,I am really excited to hear what you learn about your Grandmother ........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Great pics Dawn. Hope you enjoy Salt Lake City and good luck with finding info on your grandma.

love, Lahoma

Anonymous said...

You are really good with a camera!  It's nice seeing new places. I was astounded to hear that a Nun said the mass.  I've never heard of that before....and I've been Catholic most of my life.  We made another short 3 day trip and had a wonderful time.  We were the only ones in the area of the park where we stayed.  It was beautiful....beautiful wooded views out some of the windows and a beautiful lake out the other windows!  I didn't want to come back home!

Take Care,