Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The SPAM Museum

You either like or hate, there seems to be no in between.  SPAM      Slice it, dice it, broil it, roast it, fry it or just eat ffrom the can.   There are receipes from  47 countries , all over the world from folks that just love their SPAM.
The SPAM Museum was a lot of fun and informative as well and a neat gift store for all you SPAM fans  There is also a fan club, check it out at
When we first entered the museum there was a wall of SPAM cans numbering 3,930.   That's a lot of SPAM. At one can a day, this wall could feed you for ten years!
Along with the wall, there was lots to see and do.  They had a SPAM exam,  Chef SPAM, with exotic recipes, WWII SPAMVILLE about all the GI's eating a lot  SPAM, SPAMBURGER ALLEY with a17.5 foot spatula and above that a slice of SPAM that measured in at 25 square feet. I  bet your drooling now.
Anyway if you have anyone on your Christmas list who loves SPAM, here is the online store.  It has everything.  Bought a few gifts there myself!



Oh SPAM(tm)! Oh SPAM(tm)! Gourmet delight!
My food by day, my dreams by night.
To carve, to slice, to dice you up -
pureed in a blender and sipped from a cup.

What shining deity from Olympus knelt
down to the earth and hog butt smelt?
Creating then man's eternal desire
for swine entrails congealed by fire.

On some corporate farm, a pig has died.
Eyes, tongue, and snout end up inside
that cube of SPAM(tm) hidden in the can
I now hold in my trembling hand.

More than mere food, SPAM(tm) is for me
a hedonistic expression of gluttonous glee.
Mottled with pork fat, the pink cube engrosses.
My mouth takes it in, my intestine disposes.

Long have my arteries clogged to the sound
of sizzling SPAM(tm) when there's no one around -
furtively chewing or swallowing whole.
Triple bypass by forty, my medical goal.

Other processed meat products I've tried or declined
Vienna Sausages, Treet, even pig's feet in brine.
Though each may be tasty in different ways,
none matches SPAM(tm) for gelatinous glaze.

That glistening pinkness beckons me
with gristle, fat, and BHT.
Oh SPAM(tm), my SPAM(tm) - the taste, the smell!
The sacred meat product, from Hormel.


Anonymous said...

What fun ,a day out devoted to spam ,quite like it fryed .....Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Loved this entry Dawn, although it did make me feel quite ill at the thought of a wall of SPAM (LOL!). Hope your new readers keep coming back like me. Your journal is great!,

Anonymous said...

"pureed in a blender and sipped from a cup."

eeeww!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Um gross, not drooling for a wall of over-processed pig products!
I loved your entry though, LOL!

Krissy at Hope Lodge

Anonymous said...

This is soooo funny, but one of my kids is actually have fried spam tonight for dinner!!!!  

be well and thanks for sharing,

Anonymous said...

Spam Museum sounded like a fun trip!  I've never had it.  Now you have my curiosity peaked.  I'll have to check it out on my next shopping trip.
Your welcome for my comment in your journal.  Thank you for sharing Pam's link for Journal help.  I already had her link in my favorite places.

Anonymous said...

I have never had spam!  LOL  sounds interesting for sure!

Anonymous said...

Who knew there would be a museum devoted to Spam.  Too Cool!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fourty two years ago, with a budget of $15 for food, Spam was our ham dinner once a week and sometimes it was our ham with eggs.  After all there were only two of us then and not really knowing about healthy eating habits we survived.  My friend who is from Wisconsin recently asked me if we went to the Spam museum when we went through Wisconsin and that was the first time I had heard of it.  So glad you shared this with me, now I won't have to go.  LOL

Marlene-A Poets Point of View