Sunday, July 2, 2006

Soothing sights and sounds

Again as we travel we are without a constant Wi-Fi signal.  It's great when it is working, but as we drive east it is not always available..  Such is life.  When making reservations for a stay, it has become one of the first questions," Do you have Wi-Fi?".
Last week we spent a few nights in Wisconsin.  The weather was perfect.  We were actually able to sleep without the air conditioner running and open the bedroom windows.  Being a Type A personality, laying in bed is a waste of time, so I usually put on a radio talk program plugged into my ear, as Bob like silence when he is going to sleep, and this helps me fall asleep.  Well anyway, the air was good, the crickets were cherping and the frosting on the cake was lightning bugs , twinkling out side my window.  As a bonus prize, I was able to see the little dipper high above this magical show.
This scene brought back sweet memories of when as children we would run around catching these fireflies and put then in a jar.  Simple amusement.  No radio was needed that night to sleep.  Instead I snuggled down and let the magic carry me to sleep.


Anonymous said...

Oh this conjures up lovely magical pictures ,sweet dreams Dawn ..........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Too bad about the Wi-Fi signal. You brought back memories for me with the fireflies story. I love having the window open when it's storming and I'm in bed. I sleep like a baby. :)

Love, Lahoma

Anonymous said...

pennie likes quiet at night ... i listen to the likes of Art Bell ... or thw late NBorm Nathan

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your entry and descriptions.  On our recent trip to KY at one of the parks we stayed in my Grandbabies had the most fun catching fireflies!  They were entranced with them.

Take Care,
Travel Safely,