Thursday, June 22, 2006

Does anyone out here like Spam, that is Spam in the can.  I'll admit it, I  like it.  I no  longer will be a closet Spam eater.  I'm shouting it out, and I will sleep better tonight now that I have confessed!

And now for the big news. Tomorrow we are planning on stopping in the Spam museum.  Can't beat that for a day on the town!


Anonymous said...

When I was a kid I loved fried spam and cheese sandwiches. Have fun tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

Well it will be a different kind of day out. Looking forward to hearing about it,

Anonymous said...

Just after the second World War when I was very young I remember it was a treat as everything was rationed so we had to eat what was there.  But I liked it. I also liked Spiced ham very similar. LOve Joan.

Anonymous said...

Funny never thought about good old spam for years !Ireally dont mind it ,there are worse things ,sounds like a fun day out ,but we will need to know alllll about it .........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

i love to fry slices of Spam and have 'em with eggs

Anonymous said...

We have Spam here about once a month. Sliced, under the broiler until it crisps up a bit. Serve with baked beans and potato salad. Mmm!

Anonymous said...

Gross.  Grosser than gross.  But I am curious to hear about the spam museum.  Like do people carve things out of Spam and stuff, LOL.  I heard about that one time, that there was a Spam carving contest.  Let us know about the Spam museum.

Krissy at Hope Lodge    

Anonymous said...

I have heard that spam does not freeze...wonder if that is correct.  Congrats on being a editors pic.  Take care.