Saturday, June 10, 2006

Deadwood, SD.

Yesterday we went to Deadwood, SD. Somehow I had the impression that this would be a town with lots of western  photo  opportunities.    The ads told us, it was the home of many famous characters of the old West. 
 I guess the only thing that was true was it was where Wild Bill Hickok was shot in the back while playing cards in the saloon.  I myself think this is Deadwood's only claim to fame. 
 Today it is a rundown town full of casinos.  Every building in town is a casino with the exception of about four gift shops.  To add salt to my wound, I found out Calamity Jane was just a camp follower and a town drunk, was not Wild Bill's girl, and could not shoot for crap.  However she was known as a compassionate soul who often cared for the sick and injured.  How's that for busting a bubble?


Anonymous said...

LOL Yep, that's a real bubble buster. I thought she was all that too.

Anonymous said...

Well it certainly looked like a nice little old west town to me. I am so much enjoying your trip I have never done that area and really would like to see it. Maybe I will rent a mobile home next year and spend three months out there.
I hope you are enjoying the trip as much as I enjoy reading about it. Bill

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, you did burst my bubble! so it wasnt Doris Day after all ! .IJan xxstill envy you ............

Anonymous said...

How disappointing for you Dawn and am going to say the obvious "The Deadwood Stage did'nt come on over the hill".  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Well now that tells me there will be no reason for us to go visiting Deadwood but then what could one expect from a name like deadwood and me a tree lover.   Sorry you got your bubble busted but did you have any fun at all that day?  I so envy you two, Fred and I are still trying to make up our minds.  Do we want to buy in New Mexico or do we want to invest in a camper and truck and be able to stay a week, a month or what have you in some of the wonderful places we have come upon in our trips.  The hardest thing will be giving up our home of 36 years. But then again it sounds as if you don't regret even one minute of making that decision in 2000.   Have lots of fun and keep on keeping us posted on where your ate.  Enjoyed the photos.

Check me out at  Look me up by name Marlene Kolasa

Anonymous said...

Deadwood sounds kind of dead...:)  Sounds like you are having fun, though!'

Anonymous said...

An appropriate name for the place then, Deadwood! LOL. Hope you are still having a good time though,

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn and Bob,

  Deadwood's great...........lots of casnios..................but today we wnt to Aki-Chin...............came out even.   Good thing!    Shirley and Gary (friends from the Outter Banks!!!)

Anonymous said...

I was born in Deadwood in the 1940s.   Deadwood is as it always has been a party town.   This was true in the old west days,  when I lived there, and now.   If you like to party down,  go there.  If you are looking for history, the history is in the party.   Live, drink, and be merry.  That is Deadwood's history.

Anonymous said...

I was born in Deadwood in the 1940s.   Deadwood is as it always has been a party town.   This was true in the old west days,  when I lived there, and now.   If you like to party down,  go there.  If you are looking for history, the history is in the party.   Live, drink, and be merry.  That is Deadwood's history.