Thursday, June 8, 2006

Battle of Little Big Horn

Little Bighorn-Custer's Last Stand
Did you know that General George Custer was know for his "Custer Luck" before his luck ran out at Little Bighorn.  Up until the end, he had earned this nickname having 11 horses shot out from under him and was only wounded once.  As you can see he exceeded a cats nine lives and his jig was soon to be over.  Maybe he thought he was invinceable.   I'll go with that thought rather than "what was he thinking" or just plain stupid.  Maybe he was just full of himself, being the spearhead of the conflict and had his orders?
On top of the Last Stand Hill there is a memorial over a mass grave where the bodies of Custer and his command were hastily buried in shallow graves where they fell.  Custer was later moved to West Point Academy in N.Y.


Anonymous said...

That first photo is beautiful Dawn. Hope you're well.

hugs and blessings


Anonymous said...

These photographs are lovely Dawn ,they bring to life what we have only read about ...did you mean you had that snow !!!?.....Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Great pictures again did you have snow at this time of year oh dear but you did not have a winter so what goes around comes around LOL. Lov Joan.

Anonymous said...

Nope, didn't know any of that, thanks for the heads-up.  Am so enjoying finding you again.
