Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Part 3

We got some great  pictures today, starting off with the Eagles,  We are  following the Gibban River to Norris to the Fishing Bridge.  As we are still only able to use the office dial up to get on the Internet, this will be short on words.  I think you would rather see the photos than to hear me ramble on.  
We saw no moose or bear while here.  This was disappointing, but that's life, isn't it?
The lower falls are the most beautiful and are often called the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.  Every second, an average of 37,417 gallons of water plunges 308 feet over the falls.  Seeing this is an experience in itself.  It is an awesome sight.   We had our friends, Earl and Joyce take our picture here and might use it on our Christmas cards this year.
Speaking of Earl and Joyce, it was such fun spending time with them again.  They are such a joy to be around. We all had met three years ago in Delta, Utah and kept in touch by email.  They are real Texans, while we are just paper Texans.  The last time, several years ago, I upset someone with the phase "paper Texan."    So sorry if you are still out there, but that's what we are.  We don't talk like a Texan, dress like a Texan, but we sure as hell love them.   I tell them "We weren't born in Texas, but got here as quick as we could."  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Hope you enjoy the photos.    Love to all.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Part 2 Yellowstone Pics

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The above pictures are continued from the first day visit to Yellowstone.   Did you know that Yellowstone preserves the largest hydrothermal area on the planet? 

Monday, May 29, 2006

Yellowstone National Park Part 1

In 1872 , 2.2 million acres of forest, meadows, lakes and rivers were set aside by Congress as the first National Park.  I doubt that anyone vising the park would not be mesmerized by the Grand Canyon of the yellowstone, the water falls, the thermal areas,, lakes and the abundants of wildlife.  It seemed that around every corner we were surrounded by buffalo, which I have fallen in love with.  There were in the fields and hiking down the roads.  The cars in front or behind didn't bother them at all.  It was just awesome sight driving by them, so close.  They weigh 2000 pounds and sprint at 30 miles per hour, three times faster than we can run.  They appear tame and unconcerning, but still unpredictable and dangerous.  Check out some of my buffalo photos.  So cute!
Our first day visit to the park, needless to say we entered the West Gate.  We drove alone the Madison River, elevation 6806 feet.  Next we took a right onto Firehole Rd. to the Fountain Paint Pot, the Lower Geyser Basin and the Great Fountain Geyser.  Our destination was Old Faithful.  We were in the park six hours that just flew by and left us hankering for more.
I have only put in a few pictures today as we are on dial up, and it takes a while to put them in.  tomorrow I'll add a few more.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

WestYellowstone, MT.

We are at the Lionshead RV Resort in Montana in West Yellowstone.   The scenery is so beautiful here.  The white capped mountains surround us and offer their beauty with us. We are again without Internet and can only use the office connections for a short period of time.  The next time on I will show you some great pictures from within Yellowstone.  I have so many to show you that it will take a couple of entries.
West Yellowstone is a cute little tourist town which started building in 1907 shortly after the railroad made its way west.  Being a long weekend the town was bustling this afternoon.  Besides seeing the Yellowstone park, there is plenty to do in this small town.  White Water Rafting is popular, as is horseback riding and biking.  There is a IMAX theater here, live theater plays, museums and countless   places to eat.
Thursday we celebrated our 48 anniversary.  Wow, That's hard to believe.  Seems like only a few years ago.  Our friends Shirley and Gary  celebrated their anniversary the same day as ours.  Hope you had a great day guys.
Sunday    SNOW    Holy crap!  Haven't seen snow in 7 years.  Don't want to see it for another 7.   

Monday, May 22, 2006

Salt Lake City

 Today I went back to the History Library and concentrated on the English half of my family.   I found  the English grandfather died in 1908.   I still don't know why the children were placed in an orphanage or where it was.  They sailed from Liverpool, I know that.  I found the passenger list and it looks like an aunt paid their fair to Boston, Ma.  Now, the oldest girl ran away from the orphanage and got married and today I found her marriage date.  I was able to find the family line back to 1851, so that's a good start.   I had trouble with the 1841 census and was not able to find them.    Just today my English family names increased from just Egerton to Jones, Barlow, and Rowley.
Tomorrow we are on our way to Yellowstone National Park.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Where Are You Guys?

  Well, Every morrning I have been rushing out the door to track down my illlsive family. I start each day with a hopefull and positive attidude and by late afternoon, my rear end is dragging and my eyes are closing on their own.
First day out I found when my Irish grandmother came to the U.S.  Her name was Nora Reidy from County Kerry Ireland.  She was 15, came alone and arrived here in 1906 on the S.S. Arabic, sailing from Queenstown, Ir. to Boston, Ma.  Her passage was $2.50, certainly not first class!   Now my Irish grandfather is another story.   Michael J . McGrail from Mayo Ireland.   Can't find  his correct age, when he left Ireland or where he landed in the U.S.   I did find him on the Massachusetts 1910 census.  By the 1920 census, he was married to Nora and had three children.   Maybe he was a storaway.
I am begiining to be angry with him to tell you the truth.
Next  I have been looking for my English grandparents.   My grandmother Ada Jones Egerton died in 1902 in Chorlton , which I think is in Manchester England.   When she died the three children ( one being my mother) were placed in an orphanage (don't know which one).  Also don't know what happened to grandfather then.  The family was all together in the 1901 census.  Can't find out when he died either.  Gosh, I wish I had asked more questions when my parents were alive.  Water over the dam now, I guess.
Did you all notice that the troubles I had this week all involved MEN!!!  Can you tell I'm not a happerr camper?
So all in all I did not have a very productive week.  I had hoped to find more.  It's very hard when your family history in another country. 
Have a good weekend.   I'll get some pictures over the weekend and I'll be in a better mood.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Salt Lake City, Utah

Tuesday May 2nd        We made it to Delta Utah, our club home park.  It is so quiet here and why you ask, because we don't have to run the air condtioner.  The air feels so good.  Our friend Kirt, the young fossell digger arrived here tonight as well.  Bob called his local golfing partner Dan and they made plans to golf Wednesday.  Being alone I tried out a new receipe for Lazy-Man Cabbage Rolls and it turned out very good.  Bob is always suggesting I make him some cabbage rolls, but it is so much work in this small kitchen, I haven't done it.  Kirt came for supper as well.  Three votes to make it again.
Thursday   When ever we come this way, on our way to Salt Lake, we  stop  here so now we  know a few people in the area. The Delta Senior offers a great lunch for seniors for only &2.25 and it 's all home cooked and includes a drink and dessert.  They put out a  monthly menu and often have a guest speaker of some sort,,  Today the speakers was a Cowboy
Poet.  He read a few of his poems and was a pretty funny guy. 
Friday.....We needed to check our minutes used on our cell phone and had to drive 28 miles to be able to get a signal to call  a rep. from Sprint.  Tomorrow our friends from Texas will be here.  YAH! 
Thursday  May 11  Bob and I agree this has been one of the most boring week of our lives.  I'm telling you, there is nothing here.  The reason we are here is that we are on the way to Salt Lake and resorts rates will be high there.  We are staying here for free to gain extra gas money.  The trip home could cost us $1200 or more depending on diesel prices. 
The other night we went to see the new movie "RV", had some funny scenes in it.  I would tell you it's a movie that you must see, but Rv'ing ourselves, it was ok.
Sunday    Happy Belated Mother's Day ladies.   Better late than never.  Two more long long days here.   HELP      This morning we went to the local Catholic Church and there was no priest.  A nun said the Mass, never have seen that before.  The weather here has been warm durning the day and cooler at night, the best part of Delta, I would guess.  
Tuesday....Finally in Salt Lake, cable, cell phone service, AM radio, Oh boy, am I happy.  I wil be around to catch up on all that I have missed in your journals.  Just need a little time to catch up.  I've missed you guys.
This morning I off to the History Center to find  out when my grandmother arrived in the US.  One goal a day! 

Monday, May 1, 2006

Zion National Park

Today we went to the Zion National Park here in Utah.   The last time we were here it was raining so bad the pictures were depressing.  Today was a bright sunny day, but there was a haze over the top of the mountains, pollution?  
Driving through the park in your own vehicle is not allowed, but shuttles, free of charge are available every ten minutes.  You can get off at designated stops and hop back on the next  shuttle to continue on.
There were visitors there from several different countries, all enjoying one of America's wonderful national parks.  We talked with a young couple from Manchester England, a town where my own dear Mother was born.   Visitors from Texas and Massachusetts also shared a few moments with us.
Lots of young hikers were visible along with backpackers, rock climbers and bicycling.  There were climbers seen high above on the cliffs.  They were so high up, it was difficult to see them.  They must have nerves of steel!
Our next stop is going to be Delta, Utah.   We are meeting a young man from Minnesota, whom we meet a few years back while he was fossil digging and another couple Joyce and Earl from Texas who we haven't seen in a few years.  They are on their way to Wyoming for the summer. Bob also has a friend here who loves to golf as much as Bob does.    We will be here around two weeks.   The only problem with Delta Utah is no phone signal.  This is what I wpuld call the boonies. Who knows, maybe it got better since we were last there.  So if you don't hear from me, I'm probably alive and still kicking in Utah.
Be good to each other.    Hugs till we chat again.


There is a 29 mile stretch of I-15 that goes from Neveda, into Arizona again and then into Utah.   This is by far the the lovelest drive on a public highway.  It's called Virgin River Gorge, lasting about 11 miles.  Check out these pictures.