Friday, March 18, 2005

What ever

  Yesterday was such a busy day for us.  Besides that it was one of my favorite holidays, we had a full schedule.   We had our yearly physicals and it looks like we are good for another year.  

 From there we went to get our taxes done but they were closed.  Good grief, teach us to wait so long.   We had an street  meeting next and then off to the center for corned beef and cabbage dinner followed by a show.  Toe tapping, hand clapping fiddlers, I loved it.  

  Bob went golfing this morning and I finished off the rest of the soda bread.   Now that meant I had  to walk up to the broomstick exercise class.   I had to finished it to save Bob's waistline.   I am so good to him.  

The park is beginning to thin out.  Canadians can only stay out of the country for so long.  They have to purchase extra health insurance when they come to the states for the winter.  I guess it is very expensive as they get older.   By the end of the month  50% of folks will be heading home.  

We have not routed out our travel plans.  I think we will start out going to Utah and sometime this summer be in New England.   Utah is such a beautiful state and I want to do a little genealogy while there..I have such illusive relatives.  

 I went to bingo tonight but didn't win.   Had a few laughs and the walk home was a delight, such a nice sweet smell of the orange blossoms.  


Anonymous said...

I so envy you and your hubby. You're doing what Johnny and I wanted to do; travel and experince life on the road. I'm so glad we had the trucking years. His health confines us here but we've got memories. And you two are creating some fantastic ones. Stay safe and have fun. Love & prayers. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

So you and Bob are good for another year.  :-)  That is great news considering how busy you guys are.  Can't have anything slowing you two down!

Anonymous said...

Mmm soda bread...haven't had that in YEARS.