Sunday, March 20, 2005

Lazy Week-end

Last night we played Hand & Foot with neighbors Chuck and Evelyn.  They will be leaving here April 7th to return home in Michigan.   

 Today we hunted the  flea market here for things we couldn't live without.    This flea market  is a 55 acres facility with over 1600 booths all under one covered roof.   This is a gold mine for the owners.     They charge $400 per 4 weeks for a spot plus electricity.  95% of the vendors only carry new items.   They are open Fridays, Saturdays and Sunday only.  We bought a few items and got a price from a vendor for 15 new cribbage boards for the park.    After all this exercise we stopped for diner on the way home.  

 Our youngest son just called to tell us he still has his legs, meaning that at 39 he can still score goals in hockey.   He got 6 goals in this week-end tournament.   He may never out grow hockey!  

 Tonight is cribbage night and we have to get going early tomorrow morning to go back to Mexico for more dental work.   Catch you all later.


Anonymous said...

Where is this flea market?  We are always looking for new ones to check out.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Flea markets...but am entirely addicted to yard sales. What fun!!