Thursday, March 24, 2005

Holy Moly

Here's a picture of a public toilet in HOUSTON

Picture from Hometown  
Now that you have seen the outside view of the Toilet,

Just spend another moment scrolling down to see how it looks from inside.!


Picture from Hometown 
 That's made entirely out of one-way glass. No one can see you in there, but when you are inside, it looks like you're sitting in a clear glass box.

Would you / could you use it ???


Anonymous said...

I don't think I could use it!!  ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely the most insane yey somehow most creative thing I've ever seen. Too funny!!

Anonymous said...

I think I could.   I know I could if I had to go bad enough!   But still.. it's a little  bit creepy...  lol

Anonymous said...

That's wild!   I don't know about using it.  But, if I were in a tough spot, so to speak, I think I would. But, I would use it very, very quickly.  LOL

Anonymous said...

It's a Mind Thing isn't it?  The illusion of being invisable.  Like Harry Potters Cloke. That is just to awesome.  It would be a good training station for ones self to get over inhibitions now wouldn't it? I've got to check that out one day if I ever get to Houston.

Anonymous said...

I could not do it in there....beyond real!

Anonymous said...

i would use it and laugh ha i can see you but you cant see me uh can you?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I found you on Kathy's (Gypsytrader's) blog.  What an exciting lifestyle you have chosen.  I will definitely stop back here from time to time!  I don't think I could use this toilet!  I have nightmares about having to use the toilet in public (Freudian fears of inadequacy, I guess).  Or maybe using this toilet would help me work through that??  Anyway, this is one of the craziest things I've EVER seen! Great journal!!!!

Anonymous said...

If the call of nature demands are overwhelming, then a man does what a man has got to do.
Besides, it's a room with a view
Happy Easter

Anonymous said...

That is the most intriguing picture I've ever seen!!  I've got to go to Houston!  :-) I think I could use it, but it might take me a few self-motivating talks first.  lol  Great Picture! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

That is soooo interesting! Yes, if i had to go i would go but i would be embarressed, regardless. lol     Would you go?

Anonymous said...

Of course I would use it.  NO PROBLEM!!!  Kinda feeds the vouyeurism monster--to see or be seen.  Oh the possibilities!  Naughty, naughty.