Saturday, March 26, 2005


I went to the eye doctor yesterday for my six month exam.  Several years ago I got shingles and they landed in my left eye.  What a pain in more ways than one.  Ten years later and I still need three different eye drops daily twice a day.    Anyway  one of my eyes has changed and I need new glasses.  I want to use my same frames as they were comfortable and expensive to purchase before.  Now  I must wait about two weeks before they will be ready.   This should be fun!  So don't be surprised  if the spelling is off for a while.  So, in two weeks I'll have a new tooth and new glasses.  Waaa Whooo!   You won't recognize me.  Now if I could grow a few inches, I'd be looking good.  

It's hard to believe Easter is here already.  The last five months have just flown by and soon we will be on the  road again.   When we get that ansy feeling, it's time to start rolling again.   We are going to Easter service tonight and will join friends having a Easter brunch poolside tomorrow.  If I think of it, I'll bring my camera.    Later afternoon we are having a traditionally Easter dinner.   Picture from Hometown


Picture from Hometown    Bob and I wish you a blessed and happy Easter. 

Easter - the resurrection of Christ


Anonymous said...

Happy Easater to you too! ;-)  ;-)  ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my journal. I'm definitley in the minority with my view of the whole Terri Schiavo tragedy (as you can see by the other comments). Every morning, I say a little prayer hoping that some good news will appear on tv or the internet and that the courts will go her way. But anyways, not to ruin your Easter mood...Happy Easter!!!!

Anonymous said...

A Very Happy Easter to you both and yours,

Anonymous said...

I'm 35 and I have had shingles twice so far. I was lucky they didn't affect my eyes. I feel for you.