Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Fairest Flower of the South or To Know Her is to Love Her

Last night we went to the main hall to see a post civil war melodrama, and what fun it was.  The cast of characters included of course a winsome, sweet virtuous heroine, our brave, manly hero, the loathsome villain, a faithful housekeeper  and a French maid.  I can't remember them all. 

   Anyway we all booed the villain, cheered the hero, hissed at the bad guy and oowed and aaaaaahed for the heroine.   Audience participation here is intense and they made an immediate alliance with our hero and the sweet young thing.  When the North or South were mentioned again the jeers and boos started depending on what was said.


Here is a cute little game to amuse the savage mind,  have fun.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun!  I'll bet you guys had a blast.

The bestdude game reminds me of Pong.  Do you remember that?