Friday, February 4, 2005

Mardi Gras Parade and a Softball Game

  Yesterday we had a Mardi Gras parade here in the park.  I think it was a success and will be  a yearly activity.  There were about 10 entries, which is pretty good for the first time.  The Good Life band was on hand to liven up the party as well.  

 Today I went and watched our softball team play.  We won 23-7.  The ladies  cheered like high schoolers for  each runner as they crossed home plate.     

We got there early so we were able to watch the senior league ladies, the Queen Bees play.  Boy they were great,  They play in the men's league and have beaten all the teams at one time or another.  

Tomorrow we plan to get all our chores done so that we can sit back Sunday and watch the Patriots beat the pants off the Eagles.   We are having a Super Bowl party here at the park, $2 per person and all the beer you can drink.  They will make money on me as I am not a beer drinker. They have set up three large TV's and we will all bring finger foods to share.  I'm excited about the game just thinking about it.   Go Pats !!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great weekend.  I miss Mardi Gras parades.

Anonymous said...

Parades are such fun, no matter how big or small. And I say> GO Patriots too.