Monday, January 24, 2005

Hang in there New England

Weekend nor'easter leaves North Shore buried.

   Bob and I come from Massachusetts and over the weekend they were delivered a staggering 3 feet of snow, along with wild winds whipping it into towering drifts reaching 2nd floor windows.  I remember the sounds of the snow plows all night going up and down the street, knowing full well that with each pass , they would be leaving a wall across our plowed out driveway.  

 The last snow storm of this size was the Blizzard of "78".  No cars were allowed on the road for three days after it stopped snowing unless you had a Police pass.  It was a time that everyone slowed down, talked to neighbors in the street, and pulled a sled to the local market to pick up supplies, and play with the children and dogs in the snow.  No place you had to be, it was a mini vacation for all.

   In 1978 we were really into CB's.  The local club offer the city their help on getting emergency food or prescriptions to the elderly or shut ins.  The city paid the guys for the gas  used and they were kept fairly busy delivering  supplies.  One house that Bob delivered a prescription to, he had to go into snow  drifts above his knees.  He layed across the drift and reached down to knock on the door.  When the women came to the door she had to reach up and he reached down to hand her the bag.  They never saw each others face. 

   Our friends sent us pictures yesterday of their house and yard.  They were trying to make us jealous.  Ya, I really feel bad about this sunny 70 degree weekend we had to put up with.


Sweet revenge   New England is heading back to the Super Bowl for the third time in four seasons.

Quarterback Tom Brady, a two-time Super Bowl Most Valuable Player, threw two touchdown passes as the Patriots defeated the host Pittsburgh Steelers 41-27 in the American Football Conference championship game last night.

The Patriots will now have a chance to capture their third Super Bowl title when they battle the Philadelphia Eagles on Feb. 6 in Jacksonville, Fla.    GO PATS!



Anonymous said...

We got 18 inches at last count. A good snowing. LOL My parents are in MA...I called Sunday but they still haven't called back, so no report yet on snow totals in Sudbury. I'm sure they got a ton.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn. We had almost 2 feet here in WV. Gosh, I couldn't imagine 3. Can't wait for warmer weather, enjoy yours!


Anonymous said...

Sorry Girly, But I was rooting for the Stealers. Silly me! I be you do love the nice temps in Arizonie!

Anonymous said...

We got about a foot here at the jersey shore, but I heard on the news (and now see on your photos) how you got pounded!  Yes, I'm rooting for New England to win the superbowl, I am NOT an Eagles fan, LOL  ;-)


Anonymous said...

I was in Indiana for the famous blizzard of '78.  We had 22 foot snow drifts that buried the planes on the air force base.  My dad was in Hawaii, my brothers were away at school and I had to dig us out.  I 'll  never forget that blizzard!