Sunday, January 9, 2005

This and That

The other night our street group of 35 went to the Organ Stop Pizza.   This pizza restaurant holds seven hundred people and is home to The Mighty Wurlitzer.  This Wurlitzer is one  of the largest and finest theater organs in the world today.  Its 5000+ pipes, numerous percussions are wonderful sounding.  This is a yearly trip for our group  and everyone seems to enjoy it. 

   The pizza itself is just ok, but the musical staff makes up for the questionable pizza. LOL    A requirement of the organ staff is that they are able to play anything at any given time, and that they do.  They have a request form in front of the stage and work from it.  There is the usual Happy Birthday request  and often show tunes.  As Mesa is a snow birds paradise, we have visitors from every state here, which leads to a request for a state song.  From there he goes from one state song to another, with lots of cheering  and appluding when he plays home state.  It's a fun place. He plays for 45 minutes and takes a ten minute break.  One of my favorite grouping of songs are the patriotic ones.  This is always a sing along.  Hooky some might say, but seniors like this !  

An update on Bob's softball progress.....every bone in his body aches!  

Friday night I went to the park Bingo, what a crowd.  Every regular game was worth $70 and the cover all was near $600.  I didn't win but had a good time anyway.

  Have a happy day.   


Anonymous said...

What a delightful entry. The Organ Stop Pizza  sounds like such a wonderful place to go. Will have to check it out sometime. Hugs. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

wow.  a pizza place that seats 700 people?  That's a lot of 'pie' to prepare!  I bet the music was amazing.  What fun places you've seen.  ~Sie

Anonymous said...

Neat! This sounds WAY better than the pizza and a show we get at Chuck E Cheese. ;-)

Anonymous said...

sounds like one of those places you go not for the food, but for the atmosphere!  glad you had a nice time! love the photos! :-)


Anonymous said...

Oh you brought back to the time when I was very young and rollerskated to one of these organs at our rollerinck!  It was so much fun on Saturday nites!!!!