Sunday, November 7, 2004

Returning Friends

Mesa Arizona has each winter a sizable winter population increase and we are happy to be among them.  Sitting out in the evening, we can see  a parade of planes coming into  the Phoenix airport.  They are coming in from all over the country. When we first wintered here five years ago we didn't know  anyone.  Now that has changed.  We stay in a resort with 1100 other residents, 55 or older. These strangers now have become close friends.  Most of us come and go (Nov.-Apr), and like separated lovers, we rejoice at seeing each other again.  All around the park we are greeted with hugs and hearing "Glad to see you back."  It's a warm welcome.   And before we know it, were back to our old habits like Sunday night it's cribbage, Monday, it's whist, Tues. is pot luck, Wed is the country store, Thursday is our happy hour with the neighbors, Fri is bingo, and finally the weekend.  On Sat mornings we volunteer with the breakfast crew.  You would be surprised how quickly you can feed that many people!  The clubs have started up, the pools are ready, and the dances have began.   When we are here we keep close attention to our calendar as it is absolutely filled up.   We are up for the winter dance and will rest in the spring.


Anonymous said...

**Good Morning Bob and Dawn,
Sounds like no time to be bored around there!  With something planned everyday you must hit the shack pretty darn early lol. It sure makes the heart young again to play and dance the days away. Glad to hear your back with your friends and having fun. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Love reading about people having fun, and it sure sounds like you are. Love the graphic. Winnie is one of my favorites. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

Hello Dawn and Bob. Since Dawn was nice enough to visit my journal and laev a comment ( Neon Whale ) I figured I would ramble over here and check out yours, Very Nice. ! Keep on enjoying your retirement...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my journal...your lifestyle sounds great, maybe in the future Joe & I might join the road too...I could definitely enjoy the "road"...Sandi