Friday, November 19, 2004

I'm Sorry Again For This Mess

I know I'm not a computer genius, but I try to keep it a little better than the last few entries.   GUESS WHAT?   My " Edit Jounal" button is missing.   Now where could they have gone OR maybe somone took them!  Hummmmm.   If anyone has a suggestion or have seen my buttons, return them immediately.


Anonymous said...

oh boy..I've had buttons disappear on me too! Humm go on the message board and ask....people are quite helpful......Sandi

Anonymous said...

Those edit buttons seem to do that sometimes. THey usually pop back again. Sometimes it happens when AOL is doing something. If it doesn't come back let me know and I'll try to help you find a solution ..LOL> Well, two heads are better than one. *Barb*