Saturday, November 13, 2004

Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

 My friend Carol called me today from Massachusetts.  She said that she had been thinking about me today as she was shoveling five inches of snow.  She didn't say what kind of thought she had about me, but I can just guess by the remarks she was making.  She would not let me tell her about the warm sun shining  day we were having.  Some people are just so self centered!

I was reading the Old Farmers Almanac today on line.  It is packed with all sorts of helpful information.  It had the expected weather forecast for the country, astrology, gardening, crafts, recipes and a forum.

  • Weather Folklore from the Farmers Almanac
  • If the geese on St. Martin's Day (November 11) stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas.
  • If the first snow sticks to the trees, it foretells a bountiful harvest.
  • If sheep feed facing downhill, watch for a snowstorm.
  • If on All Saints Day the beech acorn is dry we will stick behind the stove in winter, but if it is wet and not light the winter will not be dry, but wet.
  • Thunder in November indicates a fertile year to come.
  • If there be ice in November that will bear a duck, there will be nothing thereafter but sleet and muck.
  • As November 21st, so the winter.
  • When the winter is early, it will not be late.
  • Lengthened winter and tardy spring are both good for hay and grain, but bad for corn and garden.
  • December changeable and mild, the whole winter will remain a child.
  • A warm Christmas, a cold Easter.
  • A green Christmas, a white Easter.
  • December cold, with snow, brings rye everywhere.
  • The Old Farmer's Almanac - Home Page


    Anonymous said...

    Cute entry. Poor Carol. lol  She has snow, you have sunshine and we had rain.

    Anonymous said...

    Dawn this cracked me up LOL.  It's cold enough here to snow to, but not just yet and Tom got the Christmas lights up on the garage today. If you dont get them put up before it snows..... Holding out for the turkey prices to go down, must have at least a 23 pounder to have enough turkey sandwiches for a few days after LOL.
    I finally will get to see the Dr. next Friday for my back, I'm still not a happy camper, both sides of the spine cramp up and it hasnt been fun. boohoo. I'm picturing you and Bob having a great time at your park, BE GOOD..

    Anonymous said...

    I'll bet you don't miss shoveling the snow.  Snow is fun to visit but I wouldn't want the constant shoveling.

    Great stuff from the Farmer's Almanac.  Thanks for the morning chuckle.

    Anonymous said...

    Ha! We just got a dusting but my parents (in Sudbury MA) got the 5+ inches. I'm still amazed that Dad had to get out the snow blower so early this year. LOL!

    Anonymous said...

    Hi Dawn.

    I was in a chat room with my brother tonight. He told me they had an inch of snow in the Hartford, Ct area!  We only had one day of snow here in north central Texas last was on Valentine's Day and it came in the morning and was gone/melted in the afternoon. I hope we get that lucky this year....although we've been warned that our very mild winter last year might just mean a harsh one this year...but harsh by Texas standards isn't too bad. After living in the northeast for 20 years, I think I can handle whatever Texas can dish out for winter weather.

    Thanks for visiting my journal and leaving me a comment :)


    Anonymous said...

    Hi Dawn--yes we got snow last weekend and it is still cold here--the weekend is supposed to be a little better--take care--Dominica