Saturday, February 21, 2004

Yankee or Dixie?  

Check on your dialect and see if you might have crossed over to the "other side"!


Anonymous said...

52% (Dixie). Barely into the Dixie category.

Anonymous said...

*** 40 percent Yankee LOL Becky

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement,and visiting my journal. Yes I sure would like to "hop on" your trips,perfect get away. Through your journal I can go to places I have never been..thanks
Ps where at in AZ?

Anonymous said...

We are in Mesa, Tami Dawn

Anonymous said...

What in the world does this mean? 53%(Dixie) Barely into the Dixie Category!

Anonymous said...

35% Yankee. Yes, a southern belle I am not.