Wednesday, February 4, 2004


Sorry I haven't been keeping up  this week, but I have a renewed enthusiasm about finding my ancestors in England. 

My mother was born in England and became an orphan with her two sisters when her Mom died in 1902.  Don't know what happen to Dad, as he was with them in the 1901 census.  Anyway an aunt, in the U.S. sent for the girls in 1906.  The oldest girl, Leah ran away from the orphanage and got married in 1905, leaving my mother 8 and her sister 6 to come here all alone.  In those days it took weeks to cross over, I'm told.   Of course they had no money, but I remember my mother telling us how nice everyone was to them.  The other passenger took pity on the two orphan children.  Anyway  this week I found out my grandparents wedding date, the "run aways" wedding date, and marriage name  and a picture of the ship they came over on.

 I am on a roll !!


Anonymous said...

How wonderful! I dabble in searching for my family history but tend to run into roadblocks. I've been able to go back to the Revolutionary War on my mother's side, but my father's side is a mystery. Rumor has it they came over from Scotland and changed their surname to Brown. Seems there was so political issue and they ran from Scotland to avoid some sort of prosecution. It's all a bit sketchy and I don't know how to dig for more info.

Anonymous said...

oh it sounds like a book in the making! What a colorful and emotional history of your ancestors. My uncle did ours for us. I am Irish. My ancestors came over in the potatoe famine to Canada and migrated across to the west. I have jillions of cousins up there. Only know a handful. My mothers side were pioneers from the east. My great grandpa was in the Civil War.

Anonymous said...

I bet you felt like you found precious golden treasure!
My Papaw did our family geneology, spent a good 20
years working on it. When he finally got a computer
and the internet, it opened up many doors for him.
Good luck on your search!

Anonymous said...
