Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Albuquerque Balloon Festival

One of our fun trips took us to the Albuquerque Balloom Festival in New Mexico.  This is the biggest balloon show in the world.  When we were there there were 1018 hot air balloon from all over the world. This is a nine day festival with ballooning happenings going on all day and into the evenings.  Two of these days are special shapes day, where you might see Humpty Dumpty, a string of chili peppers, shoes a can of Pepsi and even Jesus Christ.  It's a kaleidoscope of color and shapes.  It's such fun to be able to walk among the balloon being readied for departure.  The festival is held every October and at some point in your life you are able to go, don't miss out.  It's awesome!


Anonymous said...

Oooh this looks like it must have been spectacular to watch. My fav picture is #10. You write a really tempting description, too. ¤Holly

Anonymous said...

The pics a beautiful but I am sure the whole scene was breathtaking. I wish I were there. I can't imagine the feeling it gives you just to be amongst all of those balloons.

Anonymous said...

** Wow how neat! And your so sweet to show us your fun travels with your camera. XOXO. Can you remind us old fogeys again closer to Oct. sounds like fun, and ya never know where the wind will blow me lol. *Becky>>bbeckyl/HeartSou

Anonymous said...

** The balloon that we had to peek thru, the tree stump, it looked really cool.

Anonymous said...

The balloons are beautiful. I like looking at them, but I'd love to ride in one!

Anonymous said...

How cool!

Anonymous said...

You seem to be living an amazing life. My dream is to buy an RV and travel someday. I love that you are giving everyone a glimpse into your nomadic lifestyle. I will be coming back. Cindy

Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun! Mr. Purple People Eater is my fav but I am crazy about Purple. Your last pic of the sky was beautiful too. Thanks for sharing your travels, I love it.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to pull my cord! LOl

Anonymous said...

What awesome pictures!
Thank you SO much for sharing them with all of us.
My hubby and I are only in our 30's but we swear that when the kids are grown and gone we are getting ourselves an RV and we will just "GO"!
BTW..I used to live in Mass too...Malden!

Anonymous said...

That's on my list, to go to the Balloon Festival ... I've seen posters and stuff. I definitely want to go "up" too. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures with us!

~ Karyn