Saturday, February 28, 2004

Just plain pooped!

Boy, am I glad this week is over.   Today was our volunteer breakfast again.  We only do it the 4th Saturday, but it seems to come around quickly.  This morning we were up at 4am.  The breakfast crew meets in the kitchen at 5:30.  Everyone has a job to do and if all goes well the crew sits down to eat at 6:45.  We feed the band and singer at 7:10 and residents start coming in at 7:30-9:30.  Today we served up 90 pounds of saugage, 102 dz. eggs, and 17 large bags of bread for French toast, besides a zillion pancakes. For older folks, I tell you there is nothing wrong with their appetites.

We have a lot of Canadians in the park.  They are only allowed to stay outside Canada for 6 months at a time.  If their stay any longer , they lose their health insurance.  Most will be gone by mid March.

As we near March there are a lot of get togethers happening and they always involve food..  Yesterday we went to 2 different ones.  Sunday night Cribbage  will have their end of season party.  Every day we have something going on.  It's worse than when the kids were home and we had to keep track of who goes where on what day.  Now it's us, and are we having fun.

Thursday we went to  casino school.supposibly to learn how to win more and lose less. Ya right.  The casinos here and in Nevada have a lot of senior specials. Free overnights, buffetts and bus rides.  Lots of give away prizes too.  I won a t-shirt and a boat ride on  a steamboat.  I'll take pictures when we go.   I guess thats all my space tonight.  Love to you all.   Goodnight.




Anonymous said...

Sonds like you had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Upps my journal is below.

Anonymous said...

Don't let anyone else know this, but I enjoy camp and park events. Especially the pancakes and everything else you really should not eat.
Saw your comment on my journal. Thanks
My advise if you goto casinos to win you will always lose. So I just do it for fun and the free flowing booze and cheap food (Sorry I am a youngster by most people's standards).

Anonymous said...

Wow have you been busy. But it sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Enjoy all that life has to offer!

Anonymous said...

Wow! The seniors really do have GOOD appetites!!

Anonymous said...

Wow--I like the sound of your life!!! That volunteer breakfast sounds like a lot of fun (if you're an attendee!!!)

Anonymous said...

You are having the time of your life! Good job volunteering to work your buns off. Your keeping those joints lubricated lol.

Anonymous said...

** Good morning, my goodness that sure sounds like alot of food for breakfast, and what happend to these seniors I thought most were bird eaters lol. Ive been a volunteer to go on those free bus rides to the casinos and boy are they alot of fun with the games they play. Bingo is my favorite but the slots call out to me lol. Have a great day. *Becky