Sunday, February 15, 2004

Mourning Doves

 We have a nesting Mourning Dove in our palm tree.  Sometimes Mama is alone, but often Papa sits with her.   I don't think it matters who incubates the nest, they seem to take turns..We have alot of these birds in the park and at this time of the year they are very vocal, coo coo.  Did I sound like them?   I'm really a good imitator!!!!

When the sun comes up from the east
One still can see the morning mists
It lays in the valleys and mountainpeaks,

Across the barn the sun now comes
Pink and gentle beige upon proud breast
Morning mist moves over another day won,

The Morning Dove now seeks its mate
Two together now seen high on the wire
To fluff around in daybreaks gate,

She says,"Coooo-Coo-coooooo Cooooo Co-coooo."
He says,"I won't promise the moon to you Cooo-
Though, Darling, I promise to always be true."

Copyright © ladyfawn 2002


Anonymous said...

The birds are beautiful. So peaceful. I envy you guys being to be Nomads and wonder the country. John from

Anonymous said...

My one claim to fame talent is that I can make the sound of a morning dove. Others envy me, and I can't say I blame them, I mean, who wouldn't want a talent like that???? I like the poem.

Anonymous said...

We have mourning doves, too ... they come eat the seed off the ground that drops when the birds are in the bird feeder, and especially when the squirrels get in and scatter it all around! Funny, tho, I always thought my husband was saying "Morning Doves" and I never stopped to ask!

~ Karyn
Thanks for the vote for my nephew!

Anonymous said...

I have a nest on top of my air conditioner in my front window. The first egg was laid about an hour ago. I don't know what to do. It will be 90 degrees tomorrow and from now on. I'm afraid to touch the nest, but I will need to turn on my air soon. What can I do?

Anonymous said...

I also have a nesting doves, they hatched 4 days ago.
They made their nest in a potted tomato plant on my deck.
The challenge I have is in watering the plant as they made their nest before I could thin out the plants and now to many plants for the pot . They wilt every afternoon. It seem the dove knows when I need to water now as he leaves the nest at about 3pm and returns at 4 to 4:30 each day.  I am In Va Beach Va.
I believe this has given me a new way to look at life, It seems life can be simple if we let it, we tend to make to much out of so little and not enough of what is going on as each day passes, we miss to much by holding on to the past., and not looking to the future.
As life is in our future, memories are held in the past.
The nesting Doves have brought this to lite for me.
June 8 2004
Rosemary Hacker

Anonymous said...

My friends live in Irving, Texas & are on their 4th Mourning Dove family ~ just this Spring!  The nest has been built on top of their front porch light & are wondering if it is the same parents.  My friends have certainly enjoyed their feathered families, even though it is sad to see them leave the nest.  We cannot believe there has already been 4 different families & are wondering if this is the "norm" for the Mourning Doves to have use the same nest for different families, back to back.  It seems that just as one family leaves, another one is nesting once again.

Anonymous said...

We moved to an apartment last fall and this May a mourning dove created a nest on the window sill of our small computer/office room.  She had two eggs and two babies.  The nest had been empty for a wekk or two so I decided to remove it and clean off the window sill so I could put in a window fan which was much needed as it had become hot and humid.  The following week in the am, I heard loud cooing that I thought was coming from an owl.  The cooing seemed to get louder until one morning I went to the window where I had placed the window fan and there was the mourning dove cooing at me.  It almost seemed as though she was telling me that I had removed her house and that she needed it back. So I removed the window fan and by the end of the day, she had another nest going.  Within a few days, there were two eggs.  Mom let us look at her and her nest through the window without flying away. One day when I was sitting at the computer with my back to the window, I heard her cooing loudly.  I turned around and there she was off the nest and with her was the father (I assume), and showing me their new born babies!  It was like she got my attention so I could look at her and her family.  The babies are growing quickly and have lots of feathers.  Today I was in the computer room again and I looked at her through the window. I was hoping she would get off the nest and let me see how big her babies were but she just sat there.  So I sat down at the computer with my back to her, and before long I heard her cooing at me again.  I got up and turned around, and there she was standing outside of the nest and looking at me as if to say "Here they are!"    I  found this site when I googled so I decided to record these events to see if anyone else has had a similar experience.