Saturday, February 28, 2004

Just plain pooped!

Boy, am I glad this week is over.   Today was our volunteer breakfast again.  We only do it the 4th Saturday, but it seems to come around quickly.  This morning we were up at 4am.  The breakfast crew meets in the kitchen at 5:30.  Everyone has a job to do and if all goes well the crew sits down to eat at 6:45.  We feed the band and singer at 7:10 and residents start coming in at 7:30-9:30.  Today we served up 90 pounds of saugage, 102 dz. eggs, and 17 large bags of bread for French toast, besides a zillion pancakes. For older folks, I tell you there is nothing wrong with their appetites.

We have a lot of Canadians in the park.  They are only allowed to stay outside Canada for 6 months at a time.  If their stay any longer , they lose their health insurance.  Most will be gone by mid March.

As we near March there are a lot of get togethers happening and they always involve food..  Yesterday we went to 2 different ones.  Sunday night Cribbage  will have their end of season party.  Every day we have something going on.  It's worse than when the kids were home and we had to keep track of who goes where on what day.  Now it's us, and are we having fun.

Thursday we went to  casino school.supposibly to learn how to win more and lose less. Ya right.  The casinos here and in Nevada have a lot of senior specials. Free overnights, buffetts and bus rides.  Lots of give away prizes too.  I won a t-shirt and a boat ride on  a steamboat.  I'll take pictures when we go.   I guess thats all my space tonight.  Love to you all.   Goodnight.



Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Albuquerque Balloon Festival

One of our fun trips took us to the Albuquerque Balloom Festival in New Mexico.  This is the biggest balloon show in the world.  When we were there there were 1018 hot air balloon from all over the world. This is a nine day festival with ballooning happenings going on all day and into the evenings.  Two of these days are special shapes day, where you might see Humpty Dumpty, a string of chili peppers, shoes a can of Pepsi and even Jesus Christ.  It's a kaleidoscope of color and shapes.  It's such fun to be able to walk among the balloon being readied for departure.  The festival is held every October and at some point in your life you are able to go, don't miss out.  It's awesome!

PMS doll

Just pull her cord and she will talk to you!!!

To just visit the recommended page, click here:
Click Here

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Yankee or Dixie?  

Check on your dialect and see if you might have crossed over to the "other side"!

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Key West, Florida

Nibblin' on sponge cake,
watchin' the sun bake;
All of those tourists covered with oil.
Strummin' my six string on my front porch swing.
Smell those shrimp--
They're beginnin' to boil.

Wasted away again in Margaritaville,
Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt.
Some people claim that there's a woman to blame, 
But I know it's nobody's fault.

We were here in October and let me tell you this is one great little town.  To get here there are 42 bridges to go over that connect more than 100 islands, over a distance of 126 miles.

While we were there we visited Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville,  Sloppy Joe's Bar, Hemingway's house and the rest of the usual tourest traps. A must see if you go there is the nightly Sunset Celebration.  Not only will you see a spectacular sunset, but will be entertained by various carnival performers and vendors.   One of the vendors sells the most delicious key lime margarita you will ever have.  I would go back for this alone!!  The entertainment here includes fire eaters, jugglers, a houdini wannabee who escapes from a prison of chains and more.  There are singers, guitar players and musicians of all sorts.    A fun place to visit.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Mourning Doves

 We have a nesting Mourning Dove in our palm tree.  Sometimes Mama is alone, but often Papa sits with her.   I don't think it matters who incubates the nest, they seem to take turns..We have alot of these birds in the park and at this time of the year they are very vocal, coo coo.  Did I sound like them?   I'm really a good imitator!!!!

When the sun comes up from the east
One still can see the morning mists
It lays in the valleys and mountainpeaks,

Across the barn the sun now comes
Pink and gentle beige upon proud breast
Morning mist moves over another day won,

The Morning Dove now seeks its mate
Two together now seen high on the wire
To fluff around in daybreaks gate,

She says,"Coooo-Coo-coooooo Cooooo Co-coooo."
He says,"I won't promise the moon to you Cooo-
Though, Darling, I promise to always be true."

Copyright © ladyfawn 2002

Friday, February 13, 2004


Paraskevidekatriaphobia: Fear of Friday the 13th.  They say "when you learn to pronounce it, you're cured!"   If you can't spell it or even pronounce it, don't worry you are not alone.  Most of us can't, but there are over 17 million of us suffering from it.


* it has been estimated that 750 MILLION DOLLARS will be LOST in business because people will not shop, travel or take risks of any kind on this Friday the 13th?

* that the U.S. NAVY to this day will NOT LAUNCH a ship on Friday the 13th?

* that OVER 85% will RISK THEIR LIVES rather than walk under a ladder?

* symptoms range from mild anxiety and a nagging sense of doom to full blown panic attacks?

* SOME WILL NOT EVEN GET OUT OF BED or leave their homes this Friday the 13th.

Not me, I'm going out tonight without giving all this a second thought. Catch y'all tomorrow.

Monday, February 9, 2004

Algodones, Mexico

Today we went to Algodones, Mexico to purchase some prescription drugs and some 400 mg ibuprofen. ( 100 tablets=$1.95)Algodonas is about 8 miles from Yuma Az. off I-8,  going into California, then into Algodonas.   There is a large parking lot to leave your car and walk over the border.  As soon as you get across you will notice   pharmacies, dentists, optometrics,physicians, surgeons and various types of shops selling  almost everything you could think of.  These are all English speaking profesionals.As far as the pharmacies go, you tell them what you want or have it written out for them, they get it and write you a Mexican prescripion, which is given to you with your receipt.  The town is a busy place.  Many American cross over daily to have dental work done alone.  They have a reputation of doing good work.  Most doctors are American trained.The weather was perfect , in the 80's.   Stopped shopping long enough to have a frosty margarita.Retirement is awesome, life is good.                        Dawn 

Saturday, February 7, 2004

Variety Show

Goodlife RV resort had it's annual Variety Shows this week.  There was a cast of 120 seniors mostly in the 70-85 age bracket, showing off their talents and sense of humor.  They had to do the show on two different nights because there were so many of them.

It seems that when folks get up there in age they are more confident than they ever were and can just have fun.  If anyone is concerned with getting old, they should visit a park like this and see what our seniors are doing mentally and physically.

Wednesday, February 4, 2004


Sorry I haven't been keeping up  this week, but I have a renewed enthusiasm about finding my ancestors in England. 

My mother was born in England and became an orphan with her two sisters when her Mom died in 1902.  Don't know what happen to Dad, as he was with them in the 1901 census.  Anyway an aunt, in the U.S. sent for the girls in 1906.  The oldest girl, Leah ran away from the orphanage and got married in 1905, leaving my mother 8 and her sister 6 to come here all alone.  In those days it took weeks to cross over, I'm told.   Of course they had no money, but I remember my mother telling us how nice everyone was to them.  The other passenger took pity on the two orphan children.  Anyway  this week I found out my grandparents wedding date, the "run aways" wedding date, and marriage name  and a picture of the ship they came over on.

 I am on a roll !!

Sunday, February 1, 2004

The Super Bowl MVP is Tom Brady

Super BowlAdam Vinatieri was the hero of New England's Super Bowl victory tonight with a 41-yard field goal with four seconds left in the game.  My voice is so hoarse from yelling.  The final score was 32-29.   I'd like to be in Bean Town tonight.   Good night all.

Countdown to Super Bowl XXXVIII...

The chili is simmering and we're counting down the hours, the wait is almost over as the N.E. Patriots meet the Panthers tonight.  The pic below shows Adam Vinatieri as he practiced his kicks yesterday in Houston.

vThe wait is finally over as the Patriots and Panthers will meet today in the Super Bowl. Adam Vinatieri, whose field goal won Super Bowl XXXVI, practiced his kicks yesterday as New England readied for the big game in Houston.     <b>Stage presence -- </b>Tom Brady's life was never the same after he led the Patriots to their first Super Bowl title, turning in a performance against the Rams that vaulted the young quarterback into national prominence overnight.

And of course the above photo is Tom Brady with the raised  arms in victory as he will again tonight!  I hope.      Enjoy the game.